Ethino : Bounty Launch

4 min readSep 1, 2017


Our bounty program will begin Monday September 4th (EDIT: Bounty ends 30 days after the beginning of our ICO) . Please carefully read through the instructions below.

Ethino Official Bounty Terms

Ethino Official Email:

Step 1: Registration is required in order to participate in our bounty program.

Register at: Bounty Form

Bounty document download link

Bounty Leader board

The Ethino ICO will be looking to raise approximately 17,000,000$ for 12,000,000 ENO tokens. Our bounty is up to 500,000 tokens, which is approximately 588,235$. This bounty is based on total amount of tokens purchased, meaning if we sell only half of our ENO tokens (6,000,000) within the 30 day ICO, the bounty will be 294,117$ (250,000 ENO tokens). All bounty payouts will be done after the completion of the ICO. Minimum bounty required for payout is 1 ENO token. Prices are based on 1 ETH = 300 USD.

Each stake earned is added to your total and places you on the leader board. The total amount of paid bounty spots are 410 (see end of bounty document download for full payout table)

Our bounty pool top 10 leader board is as follows:

Twitter Campaign

We will be posting tweets throughout our 30 day ICO campaign. You must retweet 20 of our posts in order to earn twitter stakes. Max 1 retweet per day.

Tier 4: 1000+ followers: 10 stakes

Tier 3: 2500+ followers: 25 stakes

Tier 2: 5000+ followers: 50 stakes

Tier 1: 10000+ followers: 100 stakes

How to apply:

Follow us on twitter:

Register at

You must retweet 20 of our posts in order to earn twitter stakes. Max 1 retweets per day.

You must score above 80% on

At the end of the ICO, take screenshots and send us links to your retweets

Reddit Campaign

Each post or comment will qualify you for stakes. The criteria are below:

10+ up votes: 10 stakes

20+ up votes: 20 stakes

30+ up votes: 30 stakes

50+ up votes: 50 stakes

70+ up votes: 70 stakes

100+ up votes: 100 stakes

Comments are worth 50% of the amount of stakes, posts full amount.

Account must be older than 30 days.

Preferred sub reddits are: r/ethino r/ethtrader r/Ethereum r/cryptocurrency r/icocrypto

How to apply:

Subscribe to r/ethino

Register at

At the end of the ICO, take screenshots and send us links to your comments/posts

Blog/Articles Campaign

Any original blogs posts or article posts (ex: will receive:


<200 words 10 stakes

<600 words 30 stakes

>600 words 60 stakes


<500 views 10 stakes

<3000 views 50 stakes

>3000 views 100 stakes

How to apply:

Register at

Under other in the form above provide the link to your article/blog post

YouTube video Campaign

Speaking about Ethino in your YouTube channel for >15 seconds will earn you :

>1000 views 10 stakes

>2500 views 25 stakes

>5000 views 100 stakes

How to apply:

Register at

Under other in the form above provide the link to your YouTube video

Other marketing

Any other marketing bounties requested by users that are approved will be added to this document.

Smart Contract Bug Bounty Update

Any bugs found in our smart contracts will be rewarded as follows:

Minor bug (ex:minor game issues) 1 ETH

Medium bug (ex: player grief game issues, smart contract optimizations) 5 ETH

High (game breaking bugs ex: over paying or under paying users on wins/losses) 40 ETH

Very High (ex: Steal funds/tokens) 100 ETH

How to apply:

Register at
Detailed screenshots and description of the issue, and how to solve the problem sent to

Bug bounty will begin after our game contract is production ready (ETA 1–2 months). Bug Bounty will be on going with no end date. This ensures updates to our smart contract do not introduce new bugs.


Anyone caught cheating (ex: fake screenshots, fake up votes, fake views) will be disqualified.

Bounty ends 30 days after ICO start date.

Our Links:






White paper:

Alpha on Rinkeby test net:


Thanks for reading!

