Ethino | ICO Instructions

6 min readSep 26, 2017


Crowdsale begins on Oct 2nd 6pm UTC.

EDIT: You must agree to our terms and conditions in order to participate in our crowdsale. We have revealed the crowdsale address for security purposes in the event the site goes down. Please check Reddit, Twitter, and mediums address matches.

Triple check your URL matches our website below when contributing:
  1. To participate in our ICO, send ETH to our crowdsale address 0xa7bad60aa9f853b4f3195c6964e4464eae078410 with a gas limit of 150,000.

These first and last 6 digits must match the crowdsale address found at under the contribute button.

If there is any discrepancy please do not send funds and wait for our updates on our various social media sites. If you have any questions please email us at with the subject ICO.

Ethino will never ask for your private keys. We will reveal the first and last 6 digits of the crowdsale address on the 3 social media websites below:

Medium crowdsale address:


Reddit crowdsale address link:

Twitter crowdsale address link:

2.Next you will send a transaction with 0 ETH, 150,000 gas limit and the data 0x8d8f2adb to retrieve your ENO tokens from the crowdsale contract. This second step greatly enhances security and reduces attack vectors by isolating your ENO tokens from the pool of 12 million ENO tokens in the crowdsale contract.

3.To see your tokens watch our token contract 0x614ea929892ea43d3ea2c5e3311b01cc589bad6c use 18 decimals and enter in the abi found here

4.Tokens will be immediately transferable. We are in discussions with etherdelta to have our token listed as soon as the crowdsale is completed. Full detailed instructions to contribute can be found below.

5.Thank you for your contribution and we are very excited to have you as an investor as we work together to develop the very first erc20 Ethereum casino.

Rate Schedule:

Week 1 Rate: 213 ENO per ETH including 24% bonus tokens

Week 2 Rate: 194 ENO per ETH including 13% bonus tokens

Week 3 Rate: 182 ENO per ETH including 6% bonus tokens

Week 4 Rate: 172

*Our ENO to ETH rate will be set only once for all 4 weeks on Oct 1st at 6:00pm UTC, based on the ETH/USD price at Bitfinex. You can verify the current rate by the value set for tokensPerEth

*ENO will be listed on exchanges after the end of the crowdsale.

Detailed instructions for MyEtherWallet, Parity and MetaMask below. DO NOT USE an exchange to send funds or you will lose your ETH. Only use a wallet in which you control the private keys to.

— MyEtherWallet Instructions —

(example show is on test net ropsten)

  1. Login to your wallet on MyEtherWallet. Send ETH to 0xa7ba ******************************078410 with a gas limit of 150,000.

2.Confirm your tx has been successfully mined by clicking “Verify Transaction”. Visit etherscan to confirm there is at least 1 block confirmation.

3.You have successfully purchased ENO tokens! To securely withdraw your tokens from the crowdsale contract you must now send a 0 ETH transaction to the same address 0xa7ba ******************************078410 with the data 0x8d8f2adb

4.Confirm your tx has been successfully mined by clicking “Verify Transaction”. Visit etherscan to confirm there is at least 1 block confirmation.

5. Add the Ethino token to view your ENO balance.

6. Done! You can now see your ENO balance. Tokens are immediately transferable. Etherdelta exchange will go live after ICO ends.

— Parity Instructions —

(example show is on test net ropsten)

  1. Login to Parity and click transfer for your wallet. Send ETH to 0xa7ba ******************************078410. Check advanced sending options to set gas to 150,000.

2.Confirm your tx is mined.

3.You have successfully purchased ENO tokens! To securely withdraw your tokens from the crowdsale contract you must now send a 0 ETH transaction to the same address 0xa7ba ******************************078410 with the data 0x8d8f2adb

4. You should now see your tokens in parity. If not then you will need to watch the ENO token address. (You can also check your wallet in etherscan and click view tokens)

5.Done! You can now see your ENO balance. Tokens are immediately transferable. Etherdelta exchange will go live after ICO ends.

— MetaMask Instructions —

(example show is on test net ropsten)

  1. Login to your wallet on MetaMAsk. Send ETH to 0xa7ba ******************************078410 with a gas limit of 150,000.

2.Ensure your tx is mined.

3.You have successfully purchased ENO tokens! To securely withdraw your tokens from the crowdsale contract you must now send a 0 ETH transaction to the same address 0xa7ba ******************************078410 with the data 0x8d8f2adb

4.Once your tx is mined, check your wallet on etherscan for ENO tokens.

5.Done! You can now see your ENO balance. Tokens are immediately transferable. Etherdelta exchange will go live after ICO ends.

Our Links:

Crowdsale address: 0xa7bad60aa9f853b4f3195c6964e4464eae078410

Ethino Website:






White paper:

Alpha on Rinkeby test net:

Ethino Email:

Majoolr Email:

