My most recent challenging learning experience

Etim Raphael Umoh
2 min readJul 3, 2017


In the past two months, I have improved my learning of the Javascript language but every time I search for anything related to Javascript on the internet, I get loads of react.js and vue.js. I heard they are the new libraries changing the world of front end development so I set out to learn them both.
On meeting react.js, I see tutorials that are using webpack and others using create-react-app for bootstrapping the application so I wonder which one works best. On carrying out further research, I find out that web pack is the preferred method for production but documentation for bundling webpack with react and babel is not clear for me. I research tutorials but I get stuck and I feel I can’t even set up properly talk less of learning the library.

When learning becomes difficult.

This is a huge setback for me so I use that as an excuse to shy away from learning react initially but as I read some more about javascript es6 and tooling using webpack and babel, I get comfortable and get back to react only to discover that the documentation that seemed unreadable is now self-expressive.
With this new found motivation I set out on my learning journey but as I encountered jsx in react, the feeling of not be able to understand how HTML and javascript got mixed up makes my head spin but with a little persistence, I wrapped my head around it. I have come to understand that learning new stuff might not seem to work initially but with persistence and grit, we can learn anything.

