Racism and the Lord’s SupperIn his book, Chase the Lion, Mark Batterson writes,Nov 7, 20171Nov 7, 20171
Voices in the BibleThe Bible is different than the Koran or the Book of Mormon. Just not in the way you are probably supposing.Oct 17, 2017Oct 17, 2017
How a Normal Person Moves Toward EvilThe first and most basic step toward doing something evil is when you consider another person as something less.Oct 10, 2017Oct 10, 2017
Las Vegas and Our Culture of ViolenceNote: This is adapted from a 2015 article I wrote after the massacre of nine African-Americans in a Charleston church. Sadly, I didn’t have…Oct 3, 2017Oct 3, 2017
Free to be Your Best SelfI do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.Oct 3, 2017Oct 3, 2017
God’s Offensive LoveGod’s kind of love is the highest kind of love. It is unconditional, freely-given, abundant, never-ending, and steadfast through all…Sep 26, 2017Sep 26, 2017
If Surrendering to God is a Biblical Concept, Why Isn’t it in the Bible?We’ve all heard sermons and lectures about surrendering to God. We’ve sat through plenty of Sunday School lessons about surrendering to…Sep 20, 2017Sep 20, 2017
Should the President Heed the Sermon on the Mount?Do you want the leaders of our country to follow Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount? (Matthew 5–7)Aug 10, 2017Aug 10, 2017
People in Power Claiming Alternative Facts is Nothing NewI’m not one for wearing t-shirts with clever messages. I never wanted wanted a bumper sticker on my car, so why would I want one on my…Jun 26, 2017Jun 26, 2017