A Day of Debugging Replit “main.py not found): My Journey on Replit’s 5/100 Days of Code

3 min readJun 6, 2024


main.py found or not found?

Day 5 of Replit’s 100 Days of Code challenged me with a deceptively simple task: a basic Python script that interacted with user input. However, what started as straightforward coding quickly turned into a battle against the elusive “File Not Found” error. I found myself grappling with the subtle nuances of file paths and project structure, a common hurdle for beginners like myself.

The frustration mounted as the familiar “Run” button in Replit refused to yield results, the console spitting out the dreaded error message: /nix/store/blyk7br3pqd873y5kbinxlngc1xb8sf9-python3-3.10.14/bin/python3: can't open file '/home/runner/replit-100-days-of-code-eudaimonious/main.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory.

It was a humbling experience, a stark reminder that even the simplest code can be thwarted by fundamental mistakes. My initial instinct was to blame the code itself, but slowly, I realized the problem lay in my understanding of Replit’s environment and how files are organized within its workspace.

The solution, as it turned out, was surprisingly simple. Replit’s workspace expects your primary Python files to reside in the root directory. I had inadvertently placed my main.py file inside a folder, leading to the interpreter’s inability to locate it. The solution, then, was to relocate the file to the top level of my project.

This seemingly minor adjustment yielded a profound lesson: meticulous attention to detail is crucial in coding. It’s not enough to simply write the code; one must also ensure that it is organized and placed correctly within the project structure. A single misplaced file can bring an entire program to a halt.

Furthermore, this experience emphasized the importance of debugging. It wasn’t enough to simply assume the code was correct; I had to actively investigate the error message, analyze the project structure, and experiment with different solutions until I pinpointed the root cause. This, I realized, is a vital skill for any developer, as the ability to diagnose and resolve errors efficiently is key to productivity.

This early foray into the world of coding has already taught me invaluable lessons. It has reinforced the need for clarity and precision, both in the code itself and in the organization of files. It has also honed my debugging skills, preparing me for the inevitable challenges that come with any coding endeavor. These lessons make me a more valuable contributor, as I am now equipped to write code that is not only functional but also well-structured, easier to maintain, and less prone to errors.

As I continue my journey on Replit’s 100 Days of Code, I am confident that these initial struggles have laid a solid foundation for my future success. The challenges I have faced are not merely obstacles but stepping stones, each leading me closer to becoming a more proficient and effective coder.

