Replit’s 100 Days of Code: Day 5 — Conquering the “File Not Found” Monster! Victory to all Mindful Dev’s

3 min readJun 6, 2024


to code or not to code, this isn’t here a question

So, you’re on Day 5 of Replit’s 100 Days of Code challenge, and you’re hitting a wall. You’ve got this awesome code, but Replit keeps saying “File Not Found!” Ugh, right? It’s like trying to find your favorite shirt in a messy closet — you know it’s there, but you just can’t seem to grab it!

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I battled the same “File Not Found” monster on Day 5 myself (you can read about it here: [Link to previous article]). Here’s how I finally slayed it, and how you can too:

Step 1: The Replit File Explorer is Your Friend

Imagine the Replit file explorer is your messy closet. You need to open it up (it’s usually on the left side of your Replit screen) and make sure your code is in the right spot!

Step 2: Is Your Code in the Right Place?

Think of the top level of the Replit file explorer as your closet’s main compartment. Replit wants your code to be in that top level, not inside any smaller drawers or boxes (folders).

Step 3: Move It If It’s Lost!

If your code (your file) is inside a folder, drag it from that folder to the top level of the file explorer. Think of it like taking your favorite shirt out of a box and putting it right out in the open!

Step 4: Save, Save, Save!

Make sure you save your changes! Replit won’t be able to find your code if it’s not saved properly.

Step 5: Run It Again!

Now, click that “Run” button! Your code should work like a charm.

What I Learned:

This “File Not Found” monster taught me that even simple coding needs attention to detail. It’s like cleaning your closet — a little organization goes a long way! Debugging is also super important — it’s like figuring out what’s missing in your closet to finally find your favorite shirt.

Ready to Level Up Your Coding Game?

This is just the beginning! If you’re ready to go beyond the 100 Days of Code and unlock your full potential as a coder, join our exclusive community of Overmen! We’re a group of driven individuals who want to be more free — mentally, financially, and geographically. We learn together, build amazing projects, play chess, have mastermind calls, and even go on retreats.

DM me for a discovery call, and let’s unlock your coding superpowers together!

P.S. We’re not just about coding. We’re about building a life you love, on your own terms.

