Frontend Insider #4

Eugene Fidelin
3 min readJan 3, 2022


The 4th (and first in 2022) part of the curated list of articles, videos, workshops and courses on the topics I am interested in: Web-development: Javascript, Typescript, Node.js, React; Software architecture; Technical leadership; and more.

Free image by monicore


Few hints on how to become a better Software Architect.

We tend to use the same approach by asking developers to write RFC before building a new feature and using ADR to write down important decisions.

Carefully selected list of books for people who are or aspire to lead team of software engineers. I’ve started myself with the “The Manager’s Path” by Camille Fournier.


Another well-written practical introduction into building micro-frontends with Webpack Module federation.

I always prefer framework-agnostic communication between micro-frontends even if they are written in the same framework. This helps to keep them more isolated.

Some “Do’s” and “Dont’s” to help you building maintainable micro-frontends.

Micro-frontends are not limited to the client-side. Podium is a solution for doing server-side composition. Still curious if these two approaches can work nicely together.


Good explanation of several basic Typescript concepts.

And these articles describe more complex topics like structural Type system, Type guards and ADTs.



Eugene Fidelin

Full-stack web-developer, frontend architect & engineering manager, passionate advocate of the high quality code.