EGF Ratings Revision

EuroGoHebdo by Patrick Myricest
2 min readSep 27, 2017


Today the news broke that the EGF was going to bring its rating system into the digital age. The executive board commissioned a clever Dutchman to implement the newgoodness. We are pleased then to be able to present to you an exclusive interview with the man himself, David De Most (4-dan).

PM: David, thank you for agreeing to speak to us about this matter. Could you tell us a little about yourself.

DdM: Yes I could.

PM: Mmm, well what is the idea behind having a new rating system. The old one has been around for 20 years now. Isn’t it good enough?

DdM: Well we can answer this question in 2 ways. Firstly - Yes it is good enough robust system that functions with few issues. Secondly - No, it is not good enough because nobody likes the ratings it gives, and the EGF wants all its players to be happier.

PM: Well what features have you introduced to make people happier?

DdM: We’ve replaced the simplistic Elo inspired probability functions with one based on the Bradley-Terry Model.

PM: Is that because it is more accurate?

DdM: No, it is because it makes the average rating higher. Secondly we’ve introduced Tournament Karma. People will be able to upvote either a tournament or an individual opponent.

PM: Upvoting will help make their rating more accurate?

DdM: No, it will make the average rating higher. The third big feature is the Swipe right which will be introduced within the EGD pages.

PM: Is that a way to increase rating accuracy by signalling under-rated players?

DdM: No. It is a way of making average ratings higher if you think the profile picture is hot or not.

PM: Awesome.



EuroGoHebdo by Patrick Myricest

Patrick is a Go Master from Neasden and chief editor of EuroGoHebdo. Subscriptions start at 10 euros and can be cancelled regularly.