SafeMap — Mid way user & market research again to validate

A Safer Way

Eva Ng
RED Academy
6 min readSep 30, 2016


Project Timeframe — 3 months
Style — Structured
Individual Project

Case Study:

Users’ Problem:
Unknow how safe your route is while walking or heading downtown area is a known problem and had voiced out by a few.

User Research:
Research had shown users currently using different tools such as common sense, news/radio updates or multiple site checking or app uses to prepare their uncertain routes. Another common solution is to bring a friend to walk with. Things seem to be working, but, there just isn’t a fully reliable source people can check their routes and navigate with while they are on foot or driving.

In 5 days of research, I used: 1 survey with 10+ respondents, 3 in-depth interviews, 3 casual interviews and domain research

To develop SafeMap, by Government of Canada, to solve users’ problem in providing “a safer way”.

User Persona:
3 Personas with distinct characters, needs and habits.

Conservative — travel on foot at GTA often — like to plan ahead
Conservative — settled route almost everyday — would like to go to new area of the city if more information is given
Out Spoken — Travel everywhere from downtown to uptowns — too many apps to use, would like to have a all-in-one

* Another potential Persona is tourist coming to Canada who needs to go and learn about the areas.

Scenario & User Story:

Scenario for Primary Persona:
Susan is walking down the alley by herself feeling unsure where she is, wondering if she is in danger. She would feel more secure if a heads up about the area is given to her.

User story for Primary Persona:
“As a User, I would like to get to know and be familiar with the area a head of time, so I can be prepared, aware and know what to look for. Something I can check ahead of time about the area at a glance would be great.”

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Scenario for Secondary Persona:
John-Dickinson is confident commuting around town as usual, but as soon as he gets to areas that he is not familiar with, he starts to feel a little unease and trying to think what should he do.

User story for Secondary Persona:
“As a commuter, I would like to feel confident about my route and not to be worry about too much, so I can go to more places and different areas maybe with a friend of something. So my friend knows I am coming or on my way too.”

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Scenario for Special Persona:
Dave thinks he can go around anywhere with his advanced technology and apps. They give him all the necessary location, navigation and even some safety information he needs. But the only down side is that they are not all at one place.

User story for Special Persona:
“As a commuter, I would like to have the best tools with me, so everything is efficient and great. I imagined it can integrate with my schedule, it shows the route, time arrival, safety needs, preparation need, it loads fast and it has all the near by location pointers”

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MVP: (Initial features to get users on board)
- search location and get direction
- let you alter your route flexibly right after your address search
- walking and driving navigation option
- show estimated time arrival
- display all shady area in dimmer color
- plot all buildings and stores including night clubs, casinos, bank, ATM and hourly hotels at street level
- direct 911 calling or emergency button to contact a designated number
- track and record your path as you walk and have it save to your phone or instantly syn to another phone, for example, to a friend or a family memeber
- syn request notification and syn accept/deny
- street level reporting of crime by users

Use Cases and Wireframe: (Make it work)

Low-Fi Wireframe:

First Prototype:

Usability Testing:
Test Scope and result:
1) Can user register an account feeling ease and satisfy (At later stage)
2) Can user sign in before they start navigating (Yes)
3) Do users need to alter the settings in order to feel comfortable using the app (No, but all checked out)
4) Can user start searching right at their launch of the app (Yes)

User Testing feedbacks:
1) People need to exit or go back during navigation
2) Signed In page and Edit Profile page is too similar
3) Questioned why did he need to create an account while the app is open to use
4) The pop up at the beginning of the app indicating creating an account would get you an avator and Sync with Friend option was interesting to people
5) The steps and “skip” during Creating Account was confusing

Final Prototype:

SafeMap’s User Account Outline and the benefit of having an account


1) How many new accounts are registered within the first week, first month and first 3 months of launch?
2) How many people come back to use the app again and become their daily navigation app?
3) Number of user used Sync with Friend function?
4) Number of Sync with Friends friends increased?
5) Are people eager to report crime?

Future Plan:
1) Bus route and bike route options
2) One-click landmark locations
3) Traffic feature
4) Multi language
5) Saved routes
6) Integrate with (your choose of calendar and scheduling)
7) “FaceTime” video with your synced friend in real time
8) Hearty Stores — business that provides or supplies safety aids from first aid kits to first aid trained staffs and dedicated to contribute to the safety of its community, for example, equipped 24/7 indoor and outdoor cameras
9) Work in conjunction with wearable devices such as watches that can take vital readings and send notices to police/hospitals when it drops to a certain point

Sample wearable sketch

10) AR off phone screen or wearables for criminal rate checking
11) Include accessibility thinking into the app

And It Starts Again:

Long Term Success Measure:
Provided “a safer way” for both locals and tourists and have it becomes their go-to navigation app.

Business Plan:

  • Hearty Stores — submit by business ; approved by government agent ; cost per application — to be listed on the map

Other potential medium:

Side note (the mid way research):

During this project, research does not stop from the initial understanding of the user and market. Mid way, I had went back to the users again to seek more understanding and validation on what company would make them feel safe and trustworthy as a safety map provider. Many answered if Government of Canada provide such service, user’s perception would feel that it is more reliable.

Project presented to you by Eva Ng =)

Other UXUI projects: AskMom, Kensington is Kensington, FeedBack, Connects Fashion Professional, A Trackable Start for Eva’s Initiatives

