How I (typically) Use AI in my Writing

Evan Cook
1 min readJun 24, 2023


I don’t always lean on AI to assist with writing. Heck, sometimes I just write and publish without a single edit.

But when I do want a bit of assistance, most commonly, I’ll simply use Grammarly to make sure I don’t sound like a second grader.

Sometimes I’ll use ChatGPT to help get the ideas flowing for a particular topic.

When I have a bit more time, these are the steps I’ll often take:

  • I write the first draft without AI assistance.
  • I’ll do a quick re-read (usually aloud) for any stand out issues.
  • I’ll then pump the draft through Grammarly. I find I ignore 10–20% of its suggestions.
  • Next up, I’ll use ChatGPT to create a second draft with the prompt of “I want you to act as my personal writing assistance. Rewrite the following article in a more engaging, vivid, and interesting way while retaining my voice, style, and structure.”
  • Then, I view both my draft and the ChatGPT rewrite side-by-side, marrying the two into a cohesive piece that packs a greater punch but is still, at it’s core, me. Usually, 20–25% of ChatGPT’s ‘suggestions’ are included in the final piece.
  • The almost finished pieces then gets a final review with Grammarly (usually because I forget to do step 3)
  • Hit Publish

I’ll continue to update this article as my approach changes. This is currently v1, published 24 June 2023.



Evan Cook

Writing about Empathy, Kindness, Curiosity, and the things I learn along the way.