How To Think Like A Beginner But Grow Like A Pro

Evan Cook
2 min readMay 31, 2023


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For as long as you can, consider yourself a beginner.

This may seem counter-intuitive to some of the things I’ve written.

Wouldn’t you want to pursue mastery in something?

Hear me out.

Stay Curious

Yes, you might want to pursue mastery, but you’ll benefit immensely if you also maintain a beginner’s mindset.

I actually believe that’s a requirement in your pursuit of mastery in anything, be it fitness, nutrition, or something else.


Because the moment you start thinking you’re an “expert” or you’ve “made it,” you lose your curiosity and think you’re done.

And you can’t pursue anything if you think you’re already there.

Life Changes Frequently, The Fundamental Do Not

Here’s something I’ve learned over the years; what works today might not work tomorrow, and what didn’t work yesterday might work today.

The fundamental principles will always apply, but how you bring them to life will likely change many times over.

I look back just a couple years ago at how I ate and trained, and it feels so foreign to me now.

Now I don’t throw anything out entirely and continue to build on my learning, but the current result is much different.

It has to be, right?

My life looks very different now than it did then. That’s growth, that’s evolution.

My habits and routines have to evolve with me.

But, if at any time I felt like I had “figured it all out,” I’d be handcuffing myself to what would inevitably lead to plenty of frustration.

Better Questions, Better Answers

Endless and unrelenting curiosity, a hallmark sign of an eager beginner, will guide you and support you for as long as you embrace it.

Because, when we’re curious, we ask questions instead of assuming answers.

And you may have heard me mention this before, but the better questions we ask, the better answers we get.

You’ll never have it all figured out. If you feel like you have, proceed with caution because there’s likely an interesting awakening for you on the horizon.

So, always embrace the beginner’s mind. Find the principles that underpin whatever it is that you’re doing, again fitness related or otherwise.

Then, use that curiosity by asking, “how can I bring this to life, how can I make this work for me?”

Have fun!

On your side,




Evan Cook

Writing about Empathy, Kindness, Curiosity, and the things I learn along the way.