How to Talk to Your Subconscious: One Phrase to Never Repeat

Evan Ashley
3 min readApr 19, 2022


“ If you could turn each thought you have in a day into one grain of sand, then put all of that sand into a pile — how big do you think that pile would be? ”

Turns out it would be roughly an entire handful of sand.

An entire handful of thoughts. Each and every day. Most of them barely inside your awareness. We know that the majority of these thoughts are repeats of thoughts you have already had, and this is where everyone gets hung up.

But what if, instead of wondering how many repeat thoughts we have, we asked a better question: How many of these thoughts actually benefit us?

Thinking to yourself over and over about how much you love your family, your friends, and your path in life is very different than thinking over and over about how lost you feel, how you don’t feel capable and how much you hate your job.

By now we know that our thoughts directly affect our emotions and our actions:

Think bad thoughts = Feel bad things = Make bad choices

So, one of the absolute most important things we can do everyday is to take some time to reprogram some of these habitual thoughts, so that they begin to steer us in the right direction.

And that gives us the beginning of this new series.

How to Talk to Your Subconscious

1. I Don’t Know

Never, ever let your mind tell itself (and you) “I don’t know”.

Your mind is an efficiency device. It’s job is to use the least possible resources to come up with a solution in the fastest time.

If you train your mind that “I don’t know” is an acceptable answer to problems, and allow yourself to think that on a daily basis — you are giving yourself an out to every problem you encounter. And the majority of the time, you will take it.

As Robert Kiyosaki explains in Rich Dad Poor Dad: “Never say I can’t afford it”

Once you look at the new car, the dream home, or the designer dress and tell yourself ‘I can’t afford it’, what happens to your mind?

“Oh well, on to the next thing..”

It takes the out and it runs.

And you will never find a way to be able to afford it.

Instead, you should ask yourself; “How can I afford this?”

How can I find a way to make enough money to afford this item?
What would it take for me to be able to afford it?

Immediately these questions get your brain searching for answers on how you could afford it. It will start to stir up thoughts that benefit your potential, not take away from it.

The same thing applies in your daily life with “I don’t know.”

Don’t allow yourself to say “I don’t know” when a problem or obstacle arises in your day.

Instead, ask yourself “How can I know?”

How can I find the solution to this problem?
How can I overcome this challenge?

These questions will get your brain to start working with you, as opposed to against you, and will unlock a whole new world of possibility.

Start right now. Use this today. Begin the journey of reprogramming yourself, and if you stay consistent, watch you exceed what you thought was even possible.

Until next time.

See you on the path,

