How to Keep up Team Spirit in Remote TeamsHow to how to hold onto or recover team spirit when your team works remotely? Here are my thoughts on this important topicSep 20, 2020Sep 20, 2020
Küsitlus: Kaugtöö juhid vajavad uusi mõttemalleUurisime juhtidele koroonakriisi ajal avaldunud töökultuuri trende küsitluse kaudu, mille tulemustest teen allpool kokkuvõtte.Jun 2, 2020Jun 2, 2020
10 Simple Team Building Activities to Try When in Home OfficesKeeping the team spirit in home offices is challenging. Here are 10 simple team building activities you can try with your remote team.Apr 5, 20204Apr 5, 20204
My Favorite Tools for Remote TeamsIt is difficult to decide which tools you need for remote work, so I compiled a list of my favorite ones for communication and people ops.Feb 1, 2020Feb 1, 2020
Published inThe Startup5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting A Remote CompanyIf you’re thinking of starting a remote company or simply want to offer more work-from-home options to your team, ask these questions…Jun 12, 2019Jun 12, 2019
My Failures in Managing a Remote Team (And How You Can Avoid Them)Reflections on fours years of building remote work culture at Toggl. Here are my top three failures so far.Sep 20, 20184Sep 20, 20184
The Decisive Cultural Element of Remote TeamsThe single most important aspect of company culture in remote teams (most likely in all other teams, too) is communicating often and well.Aug 15, 2018Aug 15, 2018
Tips for Organizing a Health Challenge in a Remote TeamAny remote worker knows how easy it is to become a couch potato if you work from home. We designed a health challenge to combat that.Jun 14, 20181Jun 14, 20181