“MEOW hack” puts the cat amongst the pigeons for data back up.

Evident Proof
1 min readJul 27, 2020


“Meow” Data Hack puts the cat amongst the pigeons

With recent reports highlighting another big data hack, business need to take action to ensure they have robust and unhackable back-ups of all their critical and sensitive data — before it’s too late. Unfortunately hindsight doesn’t bring lost data back.

In the latest hack, over 1,000 databases have been permanently deleted. Attackers exploited vulnerabilities to delete a database and other products belonging to UFO VPN. This followed a previous breach in which data allegedly stored by UFO VPN were exposed online. Once again, the ramifications of the breach could be long lasting.

According to Forbes, the attack script overwrites database indexes with the word ‘Meow’ and strings of random numerals. Some reports also said that they expect the attack to continue and affect more databases.

The Evident Proof platform allows you to securely backup your sensitive and critical data. Find out more at www.evident-proof.com



Evident Proof

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