Email templates to reach out to influencers — Evil

5 Email templates that will help you reach out to Influencers

Evil Octopus
4 min readMar 29, 2016


Everyone’s talking about Influencer Marketing. Why? Because working with online opinion leaders can:

  • Help expand your reach among your target audience
  • Improve your off-site SEO
  • Increase your brand’s credibility and authenticity
  • Save you money

But the question we hear often is: “how do I reach out to these social media celebs?” A lot of what is written on Influencer Marketing focuses on how to find the content creators, but what happens when you have identified them?

We’ve outlined 5 email templates you can use to kick start your influencer outreach campaign.

Personalised email

The starting point for any outreach programme is to send your influencers a personalised email stating your objectives and what you expect the influencer to do based on the email:

Hey [first name],

My name is [your name] from [company]. I’ve been following you on[Instagram, Twitter etc] since [year] and am a big fan.

I wanted to reach out to you to discuss [topic] further, and see if we can work on something similar together.

If you’re interested I’d love to set up a (Skype) call for later in the week where I can give you more information about our business and what we are trying to achieve. It would also be a great opportunity to hear more about you and how you like to work with brands.

Look forward to hearing back from you soon


[your name]

Guest Blog email

Guest blogging is a great way to build up relationships with bloggers. Be sure to check whether they have any guidelines before approaching them

Hey [name],

My name is [your name] from [company]. I’ve been following your blog since [year].

I read all your posts and I loved your recent one on [blog topic]. However I noticed that it’s been awhile since anyone wrote about [your topic idea] on your blog.

I know a lot about [your topic idea] and think I would be a valuable contributor if you let me write a guest post about it.

Here are a few headline ideas that I think would really draw your readers in:

[headline 1]

[headline 2]

[headline 3]

Also here are a few samples of other pieces I’ve written in the niche:

[link 1]

[link 2]

Is this something that you would be interested in pursuing? If so, please get back to me with any suggestions you have on how we move forward

I look forward to your response


[your name]

Curation email

Alternatively you can ask the influencer to contribute to your content. Here’s an email you might want to use:

Hey [name],

I would love to feature you in a blog post.

I’m writing an expert advice piece and am reaching out to all the big players in the [topic] field, and I think your contribution would be very valuable. I plan to mention your blog/channel in the post as well, so it could bring you some valuable exposure.

Here’s what I would like to know for the piece:

[insert question(s)]

I understand that you are very busy and possible get asked to do these features very often but I expect to generate a lot of exposure for this post and would love to have you as part of it. Can you get back to in within the next few days if you are interested in pursuing?


[your name]

Get them to share email

The real benefit of featuring an influencer within your piece is to get them to share it among their audience. Here’s a template to help:

Hey [name],

I wanted to thank you again for contributing to my expert advice post. I was amazed by how much great advice I got, including yours, and I think the post will bring a lot of value to my readers.

The post just went live:

[insert link]

I would love to know your thoughts and it would be great to share it with your audience too

Thanks again.


[your name]

Invitation email

This is a useful template if you want influencers to review your product or run a giveaway competition on their social media channel.

Hey [name],

My name is [your name] from [company]. I really enjoy your [relevant content] and am impressed by how well you’ve done with [their company name].

I’m reaching out to you because I have a product that I think your audience would appreciate. Would you be willing to test and review [product]?

I can provide a free sample for you to review, and I’d be happy to discuss supplying a few extra for you to run a competition among your audience.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thanks for your time.


[your name]


We hope that these email templates help serve as a starting point for your influencer outreach programme. You’ll want to change the language and edit the templates to suit your niche and products. We’d love to hear how you got on. Email us: or drop a comment below

Until next time: — The Global Jobs board for Influencer Campaigns



Evil Octopus

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