Evil OctopusWhy Are You Still Spending Money on Banner Advertising? [Infographic]Banner adverts are failing to deliver results 99.94% of the time. Click through rates are at an all time low and the use of ad blocking…Apr 25, 2016Apr 25, 2016
Evil OctopusHave You Heard? Content Marketing is Your Best Bet To Grow Your Business [infographic]Content Isn’t King, It’s the KingdomApr 19, 2016Apr 19, 2016
Evil Octopus[Infographic] Introduce Brand Advocates into your Influencer Marketing CampaignsThe problem with Influencer Marketing is that it takes time to develop. The process of researching, auditing and engaging with influencers…Apr 14, 2016Apr 14, 2016
Evil OctopusInfluencer Marketing ChecklistAccording to a recent study 82% of consumers polled said that theywere highly likely to follow a recommendation made by at influencer! Wow…Apr 1, 2016Apr 1, 2016
Evil Octopus5 Email templates that will help you reach out to InfluencersEveryone’s talking about Influencer Marketing. Why? Because working with online opinion leaders can:Mar 29, 20161Mar 29, 20161
Evil OctopusWord of Mouth Marketing Statistics You Wish You Knew Years Ago [infographic]We do it every day; share our favourite things with our friends: good experiences, poor service, new music, beauty tips…. Who doesn’t like…Mar 22, 2016Mar 22, 2016
Evil OctopusTwo Types of Advertising: Just Eat vs. Hungry HouseThe underground can be a perfect place for advertising your business, with four million people using the tube every day (according to TFL)…Mar 10, 2015Mar 10, 2015
Evil OctopusSmart Technology We Never Saw ComingSmart technology has risen considerably over the last few years, and we’ve seen some incredibly useful aspects of this emerging tech, for…Feb 24, 2015Feb 24, 2015
Evil OctopusTechnology has you covered for Valentine’sGoing for a meal on Valentine’s Day used to be nightmare. Unless you’d pre-booked, the sight was predictable: couples adorning every…Feb 13, 2015Feb 13, 2015
Evil OctopusAndroid gaming apps are fighting back, but are they winning?Synonymous with the tech community and a richer clientele, the iPhone has commonly been seen as the device that should generate more…Jan 29, 2015Jan 29, 2015