How to Improve Brain Power With These Simple Techniques

4 min readSep 29, 2017


It’s a hectic world out there, and we often feel like hamsters spinning around on a wheel. We need to just get off the wheel, step back and take stock of the situation.

Then, make a working plan on how to get back on track while getting things accomplished and not racking our brains constantly to do so! So, here are a few things you can do to help give your brain a break and keep it healthy.

Get Plenty of Rest

We all need sleep as it is vital to our survival physically, but our brain needs that downtime too.

Failure to get enough proper REM sleep will make one suffer from a variety of problems such as poor concentration, lack of coordination, brain injuries and memory loss, confusion and mood swings. Sleep apnea is one very important sleep problem that when diagnosed properly can be alleviated, thus allowing a person to wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

Disturbed sleep, not only doesn’t allow the body to be refreshed, the brain hasn’t had enough either and the problems begin.

So turn off the lights, the television, the computer, turn off the ringer on your phone and get a good nights sleep. Your brain will appreciate it!

Watch Your Diet

On a short-term basis, most of us have seen what happens when we eat too much candy and get that ‘sugar-rush’ or maybe skipped a meal and became ‘foggy.’

Our brains react to different foods, often in negative, sudden and concise ways. Our brains also react to the long-term effects, so feeding our brain properly will help us to control the negative and concentrate on positive reactions.

Poor diets lead to all sorts of medical issues, most of which can affect the brain negatively. Obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes can wreck havoc on the brain.

Foods high in antioxidants and amino acids are particularly important to good brain function. Omega-3 Fatty Acids found in salmon and other foods are often referred to as ‘brain food.’

Consuming a moderate amount of wine has even been shown to improve cognitive function; add other items like walnuts, blueberries, avocados and whole grains, and you are good to go!

Watch How Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diet Boost Your Brain Health?

Protect Your Brain

Yes, physically protect your brain. When many of us were children, we rode bicycles and such with no protection whatsoever.

Yes, most of us did survive our childhood, but knowing what we do today about brain injuries why shouldn’t we protect the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of our body? What appears to be a simple blow to the head can cause an injury deep in the brain that may or may not become a problem….but why chance it?

We should also protect our brains from outside forces of the environment by not exposing ourselves to an unhealthy situation such as excess pollution.


Another of the most important things you can do to boost your brain. Exercise your body and your brain! Exercising your body will keep the blood flowing, the weight down and the cardiovascular system working correctly.

Exercise the brain by playing games. Yes…play games. Tetris, Suduko, KenKen, and others challenge your brain and keep it actively thinking, but still allowing it to rest from the everyday stresses of life.

Playing games like these will be much nicer to for your brain than the ones that constantly depict violence.


As previously mentioned, your brain is the Central Processing Unit for your body.

Keep the CPU healthy and happy, and your system will run much smoother for the balance of your life. Problems will arise, as we are only human, but keeping this vital organ is good shape will make fighting those battles easier in the long-term.

Some prefer actual supplements designed for brain enhancement; ones that deliver a unique natural formula that is better absorbed into the bloodstream. One such product might be Provasil reviews.

This supplement is specifically designed with boosting your brain energy in mind. It is an all natural product with no artificial coating or binders.

Doing your homework about supplements will be the key to your selections, but go for natural always.

Take nothing for granted and remember that you were only given one brain. We only use a small portion of its overall power in our daily lives.

Use it to improve it; protect it to keep it; respect it and its power to live a long happy life.




I am a freelance health, fitness and beauty writer and social media maven. I spend my free time educating people about health and fitness.