Is Marshmallow Good For Your Health?

4 min readMar 20, 2017


For a lot of people, the word marshmallow is synonymous with the sweet treats, often cooked over a fire, at camp. However, it might interest you to know that marshmallow is a plant and one that with a unique properties. In the paragraphs below, we have gathered some of the most important benefits that this plant has to offer, about your health. Do not hesitate to go through all of them and decide on your own how much the plant can benefit you.

Marshmallow as sweetener

When thinking about the best diet plan, it is only normal you would want to remove certain elements that promote weight gain, such as sugar. The alternative to sugar, in this case, is represented by sweetener but, unfortunately, it can be difficult to find one that has not been extensively processed. Marshmallow can be used as a sweetener, and the good news is that it is 100% natural. Moreover, it has reduced quantities of fat, providing one with a nice dose of sodium and potassium, both of which are necessary for the proper functioning of the circulatory system (stable blood pressure).

Marshmallow for respiratory infections and associated symptoms

If you suffer from a respiratory infection and you present inflammation at the level of the respiratory system, you might want to try out marshmallow as a natural remedy. Apart from that, you can use this plant, to eliminate discomforting symptoms, such as the different types of a cough. It is sufficient to prepare a marshmallow concoction and use it for all of the above-mentioned reasons. It is also useful in cases of laryngitis, so do not hesitate to give it a try.

Marshmallow for arthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common inflammatory conditions out there, affecting the overall quality of life for most patients. Unfortunately, many of the treatments recommended for this condition present side-effects. In this situation, it makes sense to treat the different types of arthritis with the help of natural remedies, such as marshmallow. The direct application of the leaves of the plant on the suffering joints can help with symptoms, such as inflammation, pain or stiffness. Used on a regular basis, this natural remedy can improve the range of motion in the suffering joints and also the overall quality of life.

Marshmallow for skin conditions

Speaking about topical applications, it might interest you to know that the leaves of this plant are excellent solutions when it comes to the treatment of various skin conditions. As they have anti-inflammatory properties, they can be used on acne-prone skin. Also, they are just as efficient on dry skin, so you should give them a try. In emergency situations, marshmallow leaves can be used to treat minor wounds, ulcerations and even burns (not severe one, these require immediate medical intervention, to avoid life-threatening complications). Other skin conditions that can be treated with this natural remedy include psoriasis, eczema and skin irritations (accompanied by redness).

Marshmallow for beautiful hair

Marshmallow can be an excellent natural remedy to try out on your hair, especially if it has lost its natural luster or has become too tangled. About your options, you can either use a store-bought product that includes natural marshmallow extract or prepare a hair mask, using marshmallow root water infusion, among other beneficial ingredients (coconut oil, shea butter, essential oils, etc.). Apply the resulting mask on your hair on a regular basis and, soon, you will notice a change for the better. If you want to make the hair mask even more powerful, add marshmallow root powder as well.

Marshmallow for digestive disorders

All over the world, there are millions of people who suffer from digestive disorders, such as stomach ulcer, colitis and Crohn’s disease. Many of these conditions lead to upsetting symptoms, such as heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. As for the treatments available, these are difficult to take, being accompanied by some side-effects. Marshmallow is a great remedy for digestive disorders, given its anti-inflammatory properties. It can easily soothe the irritated gastrointestinal mucosa and even prevent different conditions, such as ulcers, from progressing (or, even worse, perforating).

Marshmallow for headaches

We have all suffered from headaches, and we know how discomforting these can be. The treatments that are available for headaches do not always provide the desired solutions, so it makes sense to be on the lookout for additional help. Natural remedies, such as marshmallow, can be of much help, especially since they do not pose any threats to one’s health. The reason why marshmallow is so much recommended for headaches has to do with its rich content in salicylic acid. So, the next time you want to get rid of your headache, do not hesitate to give this natural remedy a chance. From the same perspective, you can use it, to efficiently treat muscle pain.

In conclusion, the marshmallow plant is quite versatile, having numerous uses for one’s health. As you have seen for yourself, it can be used as the natural sweetener, helping one follow the best diet plan. If you are interested in weight loss, you can also consider taking other natural supplements, such as Garcinia Burn. At the same time, it can be used to improve the overall level of functionality in patients diagnosed with arthritis, as the topical application for various skin conditions and also to treat the symptoms of respiratory infections, digestive disorders, and headaches.





I am a freelance health, fitness and beauty writer and social media maven. I spend my free time educating people about health and fitness.