World Vision

What factors affect the charity you choose to fund?

Exclusive Landscapes
3 min readJun 6, 2014

At Exclusive Landscapes Fine Art Photography we have often pondered about doing something for others less fortunate than ourselves. Every day we are bombarded with TV ads depicting sometimes quite horrific scenes of malnutrition, deprivation, oppression, slavery, cruelty, lack of clean water, victims of war, and generally unacceptable humanitarian conditions.

The TV ads are very necessary in getting the point over and I remember the first time I saw these ads in the late 1970's, I was really shocked. How is it possible for mankind to treat people this way? And yet the problems seem too far away for us to do anything about them.

For many there is a kind of numbness which sets in after many years of watching the ads, they no longer become hard hitting, and often act as a signal to ‘put the kettle on’ rather than watch someone else’s plight. And anyway, somebody else will sort out their mess, the football will be back on soon; nice cuppa this!

There are the usual procrastinations: “I can hardily afford to live, never mind give”, “I would give, if I had enough money”, “why should I help them, they’re never gonna help me”, “they shouldn't have all them kids if they cant afford ‘em”, “why doesn't their government do anything to help them, why is it always us”?

There are thousands of ways not to give and there always will be. Actually it is okay not to give if you are really not in a position to do so. If you are going to put your own welfare at risk then this could be called irresponsible. For people in this situation, please watch the adverts and please think about their plight, what it would be like if you had to trade places with them? To show compassion and talk about these issues to your friends and colleagues keeps the topic at the front of peoples minds, it keeps the topic alive! It only takes one person listening to these compassion based discussions to be in a position to really do something to help, like give money, provide essential medical apparatus or a water pump!

If you give when you are not really in a position to do so can make you struggle. If this is a one off then it serves as a reminder to you what it is like to do without something. If someone does this to excess, then they put themselves into a position where illness could follow. This is where the irresponsibility comes in. When someone is laid up in bed, unable to work, they will be incapable of “giving responsibly” and jeopardising their own health; the consequence is that the charitable gifts stop too! It is far better to give responsibly. “Little and Often, when you can”!

So how do you choose the right charity or charities?

Well, I guess there is not a definitive answer, and there are so many to choose from, Oxfam, Help the aged, Heart Foundation etc.

In the case of Exclusive Landscapes Fine Art Photography, having a product to sell (Landscape Photos and Photography Courses) meant that we could allocate a percentage of the profits we make from our sales without hindering normal day to day living. So we now have a mechanism to make donations. Who do you choose?

Well out approach again was fairly simple. We searched our hearts for what commodity would be of most benefit, and who would have a trustworthy logistical network to deliver to the most needy. It just seemed to feel right. Close to our hearts were these criteria: Education, Farming, Fresh clean drinking, water, Basic medical care.

This is why we decided to donate 15% of our profits to World Vision UK. Apart from the above key points they also offer an amazing child-sponsorship scheme, which we urge our readers to seriously look into.

You can check out all the amazing things that World Vision UK do by visiting their well thought out website which is bolstered by an incredible crew of staff who live and breath what they preach.

You can also check out our World Vision Page on or website, only buy if you really like what you see!

Happy Giving!

Kindest regards

Mark and Kay Lupton [Exclusive Landscapes Fine Art Photography]



Exclusive Landscapes

At Exclusive Landscapes we aim to deliver jaw dropping beautiful photographic works to really stir up the emotion in you! visit us at: