University Management System- A Better e-solution!!

Expedien eSolutions
2 min readDec 22, 2018

Management within itself is a powerful word that holds enough strength to run any of the organization’s activities with better capability and productivity. Large scale organizations have plenty data records and detailed steps which requires trustable e-solutions. University management system has provided outstanding support for the universities to manage records with ease.

Enrollment, admission, transaction, examination and certain records management depends largely on computerization and automation. Cloud based UMS allows activities to precede in a systematic and effective manner. There are a number of e-solution companies offering certified management systems to the organizations in need. Listed here are some of the features of UMS, University Management System -

Well organized system — Interlinking multi academic and non-academic departments of an organization is one of the positive sides of UMS. Universities mostly have certain centers and departments of various courses with a greater student flow in comparison to schools. This cloud based e-program help universities keep records and daily transactions and activities.

  • Connectivity — UMS serves as a holistic module which helps students, teachers and the other staff members to experience smooth link via this software. Also the possibilities of human errors are minimized at a greater level as many of the programs like admission, attendance; examinations and rest are managed at the portal with comfort.

Administrative Right — There is always a leading member of the organization looking after the entire course of work. UMS offers administrative right to the head of management from where the entire functioning of the unit can be monitored. The e-solution also eliminates mismanagement and manipulation of records of the university, providing them a trustable strength.

  • Backup and Security -One of the greatest responsibilities of universities is keeping each and every record with care. Keeping all the records and details of the universities, university management system is cherished with data security and backup programs which prevents data loss and management. It helps universities in terms of manual efforts like data entry and thus saves time and strength.

Examination — UMS allows the examinations to be held online where chances paper leakage is eliminated. OSES, on screen evaluation system is another effective tool of the UMS where answer sheets of the examinations are checked with best accuracy. This helps universities save time and manual efforts and also prevents errors at the same time. This 24*7 offline and online support solution provides enough strength to the universities.



Expedien eSolutions

Expedien e-Solutions is an information technology, consulting and software developing company serving clients globally.