The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Upskilling

Expercoin Republics
2 min readAug 28, 2018


The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly coming upon the world. Business executives have both heralded and cautioned against its rise. Most notably, famous entrepreneur Elon Musk has used his platform to sound cryptic alarm bells, famously citing AI as the “biggest risk that we face as a civilization.” Adding to the conversation, a recent McKinsey report anticipates that the effect of AI on the world will be “akin to coping with the large-scale shift from agricultural work to manufacturing that occurred in the early 20th century in North America and Europe, and more recently in China.”

AI is coming, what can we do to prepare?

The same McKinsey report cites addressing AI related skills gaps as a top priority. Many firms are anticipating AI displacement and moving to retrain employees to fit into AI-evolved positions. Among the group of businesses surveyed by McKinsey, 66% of respondents viewed “addressing potential skills gaps” related to AI as a “top ten priority.”

It is one thing for businesses to recognize the issue, but another for action to be taken. As evidenced below, 82% of companies with $100 million in annual revenue or more believe that retraining is a significant (at least half) portion of the solution.

Yet, the dilemma still remains, how will these skills gaps be addressed? Who will lead the way? The report reads:

Enter the Expercoin ecosystem: a protocol to launch AI-powered marketplaces instantly, with any level of expertise. This infrastructure will allow for specialized, digital learning communities wherein workers can find resources tailored to the upskilling required for their particular role. Think of these marketplaces, called Republics, as interactive LinkedIn groups that you can join to network, upskill, or consult. Better yet, the Expercoin cryptocurrency will allow users to monetize their skills as they progress and reciprocate throughout the marketplace economy.

Click here to learn more about Expercoin, AI, and the new digital economy.



Expercoin Republics

Protocol to launch AI-powered network of marketplaces on the Ethereum blockchain in partnership with Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab.