Why you should buy ETE tokens on Midas?

2 min readAug 17, 2018


Extradecoin recognizes that many contributors want to participate in our Extradecoin project by contributing ETH tokens. However, according to some countries, we can not allow the community in that country to open accounts and conduct identity verification. Specific countries are: US, mainland China, Algeria, Morocco, Kyrgyzstan, Bolivia, Nepal, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

Therefore, Extradecoin decided to open the pool to support the community in these countries. In addition, there will be not much time left till Presale ends, Extradecoin’s team will offer additional bonuses to those who purchase ETE tokens during this period.

So, what will you get when buy ETE tokens on Midas?

  • More bonuses: 1 ETH = 6000 ETE + 25% bonus
  • Get more MAS tokens: All participants will be rewarded with 10% of the funds raised in MAS tokens, include: 2% to all voters equally and 8% to pool participants according to their pool stake. After Pooling ends, all MAS reward tokens will then be transferred to the participants’ account on Midas.

Here is the mechanism operation of pool:

  • From 11 AM 16th August to 11 AM 19th August (UTC +8): voting to open pool. Pool will be opened if the Pioneer Voting round reaches over 51% community power consensus on “Yes”
  • Pool will open within 10 days from 20th August to 30th August and the maximum limit of pool is 1000 ETH.

How to buy ETE tokens on Midas?

You will open your account on Midas Foundation, fill in the wallet MEW and buy ETE tokens. After the pool closes, within 7 days you will receive ETE tokens and MAS tokens in your MEW wallet.

Follow this instruction.

There are lots of bonuses and opportunities within just 10 days when the pool is open. Buy now to get the most tokens.

