Sandra Bland and Racism in a Police State

Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine


During an in-depth investigation of the Sandra Bland case, some disturbing commonalities continue to come to light regarding police brutality and corruption nationwide. This case provides an in-depth look at what has become a disturbing national trend.

The widespread abuse by local law enforcement in nearly every recent case from coast to coast seems to involve outright racism. After investigating this and many other incidents, it appears that “we the people” are at a crossroads.

It is important to be diligent in stopping racism from infiltrating our local police. A problem that can no longer be ignored. Racism in positions of authority has quickly become a national security issue that must be addressed immediately. It’s up to the American people to ensure this stops by fighting for accountability and implementing stricter standards nationwide.

The Initial Stop and Arrest

Anyone following the Sandra Bland case is well aware of the many discrepancies and errors in the way her arrest and incarceration were handled. From the initial arrest to the day of her passing, to the Texas authorities seemingly covering something up. The facts still remain. She was an outspoken activist against police brutality. She was mistreated by the authorities that are constitutionally sworn to protect…



Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |