To My Moderate Republican Friends

Arturo Dominguez
New Politics Nation
4 min readNov 3, 2018


If you are a die-hard “Trump can do no wrong” Republican, this is not for you as you are likely a lost cause and there is no chance of reaching you anymore. None.

Caricature by DonkeyHotey: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic

I want to take this time to address my moderate Republican friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens. The Republicans who don’t buy into Trump’s bigotry and divisive rhetoric but are willing to let it go because you are fiscal conservatives. The old guard Reagan/McCain types.

Clearly, today’s GOP is Trump’s Republican Party. I know you probably love the idea of the tax-breaks but like me, you’re all too aware of the fact that it turned out to only benefit the wealthiest among us. Small business owners out there, like you and I, know all too well that the Republican tax package did little-to-nothing for us. In fact, if you’re like me, it actually hurts your bottom-line a considerable amount more than it does any good.

We aren’t seeing the same level of benefit as those on Wall Street. We can’t just start paying our employees more because we can’t start charging more for our labor and services. Thanks in large part to the free-market which remains as competitive as ever. If you’re in the construction or service industry, increasing wages only leads to not just a loss of revenue, but a loss of business as well.



Arturo Dominguez
New Politics Nation

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |