Fictional Stories For Fictional People (2016)

“Plastic Happiness”

Ypsilanti X
2 min readJan 24, 2017

I was on the phone with Rachel earlier. I told her that I haven’t eaten in two days, and she replied by saying that I need to go to church more. That’s her answer for everything and I fucking hate it. Rachel and I used to fuck around heavy sophomore year. She was really cool before she found God, but she’s been a condescending asshole ever since. Halfway through our conversation I get a text from James. It’s a screenshot of the details of some party going on in Dexter tonight. I tell him that I don’t really feel like going, and he responds by saying that Alicia really wants me to come through. I was heated he even brought her up because he knows that I don’t fuck with Alicia. Don’t get me wrong, she’s cute as fuck, but all she ever does is party and complain about college. There’s also a rumor going around that she does heroine, and I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. James and I went back and forth about the party until he stopped replying because he realized that convincing me to go was impossible. Once the conversation with James ended, I realized how little attention I was paying to Rachel. Despite that, I still decided to check Twitter and continue to pay little attention to her. She hung up on me shortly after. That made me happy because I didn’t really want to talk to her anyway. I called her because I needed somebody to talk to, but talking to her made me realize that I didn’t want to talk to anybody. Now I’m laying in my bed. Staring at the ceiling. Praying that God will send a strong enough person to come beat my ass into a coma so that I can finally sleep an entire night without constantly tossing and turning.

