Making Beauty Permanent — The Cosmetic Tattoo

Eyebrows Microblading
3 min readMar 1, 2022

Imagine being able to go from bed to shower to work and back to your club without stopping to fix your mascara or check your makeup. Imagine if your favorite white sweater could be pulled over your head and your makeup would not get on the collar. It’s possible, and it’s not impossible. Permanent cosmetic makeup is a popular alternative to spending hours in front of the mirror every day. Do you sound like your kind of beauty routine? This could be a great candidate for micro-pigmentation or cosmetic tattoos Microblading Courses San Deigo.

What’s Micro-Pigmentation? A cosmetic tattooing or micro-pigmentation is the permanent application of makeup to your face by a licensed professional. Although cosmetic tattooing was a relatively new procedure, it is now very popular among women of all ages. The technician or artist will apply makeup using ink that will look like lipstick, eyeliner, and eyebrow pencils. This makeup doesn’t fade like your regular makeup. Your makeup will remain flawless and unchanged for a year.

Are Permanent Makeups Right for Me? Cosmetic tattoos are a great way for women to save time and make their day easier. This is a great option for women who have thin eyebrows, or are working in an environment where makeup smudges or smears frequently. Permanently applying eyeliner will ensure that you don’t get the famous raccoon look. You might want to start with defined eyebrows and eyeliner if you are considering micro-pigmentation for your makeup. Once you feel satisfied with these, you can move on to eyeshadows and lip colors. Permanent makeup is not for everyone. Permanent makeup is not for everyone. It is permanent, so if you don’t feel like wearing green eyeshadow with peach on, you will need to cover it up or change the color.

Where can I go for the procedure? The procedure became more popular as it was easier to access. You can get micro-pigmentation or cosmetic tattooing at many salons and day spas. It is up to you to decide where and how you feel comfortable with your makeup. There are some things that you need to be aware of wherever you go.

Credentials While you can cover up a bad tattoo, it’s going to be much more difficult to cover up your makeup. Foundation won’t cover eyebrows that are too large. You should ensure that the technician, artist, or esthetician who applies your makeup knows what they’re doing. Experience is essential!

Maintaining a clean appearance: Permanently applying makeup means that your skin may come in contact with needles. It is not something you want to do. No matter where you are going, make sure the area is clean and hygienic. You should immediately leave if you find the place is dirty or doesn’t meet your standards. It is not worth putting your health at risk by wearing makeup.

Do not be a discount shopper: To find discounted makeup, go to your local CVS to check for sales. Do not choose a salon, office or parlor based solely on the price. This isn’t something you can afford to do if you want your makeup to last for many years. You can save money by saving some money and thinking about doing it again in months or years.

Feel at Home: If it’s not comfortable, go somewhere else. Your intuition can be a great guide in determining right from wrong. Look elsewhere if you feel uncomfortable. It is also important to feel comfortable with the artist or technician. Do not listen to anyone who pushes you or isn’t open to your ideas. You may regret going somewhere you don’t feel comfortable.

What time should I do it?

You can expect to be there for anywhere from one hour to four hours depending on how deep your procedure is. It is important not to rush the artist, so make sure you schedule your appointment for a time that works best for you. For final touches, you will likely need to return for another or third appointment. Don’t make your appointment within a few months of any important events.

