COMBO: Combining Gaming and Blockchain for a New Era of Development

Sk Ezaz
3 min readMay 1, 2023


Blockchain technology has revolutionized many industries, but one area that is particularly poised to benefit from its capabilities is gaming. Enter COMBO, a blockchain platform designed for game developers to build games with player-owned economies. The project, formerly known as Cocos BCX, has recently undergone a rebranding to better reflect its focus on gaming and blockchain technology. With its Test Net now open to the public, COMBO is attracting early adopters, community members, and developers with a range of exciting incentives and features.

The key feature of COMBO is its use of Optimistic Rollup technology on the Binance Smart Chain (BNB). This approach allows the platform to support fast and inexpensive transactions, making it ideal for use in gaming environments where players need to buy and sell items quickly and easily. Additionally, the use of blockchain technology can provide players with greater control over their in-game assets, enabling them to truly own and trade their items without the need for intermediaries.

COMBO aims to provide a new paradigm for game development, one where players can have a say in the direction of the game and can benefit from their contributions. This is achieved through the use of player-owned economies, where players can earn in-game currency or tokens by contributing to the game’s development or by playing the game itself. Players can then use these tokens to purchase in-game items or trade them with other players. By enabling players to own and control their in-game assets, COMBO can provide a more engaging and rewarding gaming experience.

To encourage adoption and incentivize early adopters, COMBO has introduced a range of features and incentives. The Cobee NFT free mint event allows participants to create unique and time-limited NFTs. These NFTs can be used within the COMBO platform or traded on other marketplaces. Early adopters can also benefit from various events and promotions, and COMBO will be distributing rewards to its active community members, with 17% of tokens allocated for this purpose. Developers and project builders can also benefit from the project’s Builder Grants, which provide support for their work on the COMBO platform.

COMBO’s focus on game development has attracted a range of developers and companies. In fact, the platform has already announced several partnerships with game studios and platforms, including Big Time Studios, Mythical Games, and Immutable X. These partnerships will help to drive adoption of the platform and provide new and exciting opportunities for developers to build innovative games on the blockchain.

One of the most exciting aspects of COMBO is the potential for player-owned economies to transform the gaming industry. By enabling players to own and control their in-game assets, developers can create more engaging and rewarding games that keep players coming back for more. Additionally, player-owned economies can provide a new revenue stream for game developers, with players willing to pay for unique in-game items or tokens that can be used within the game.

In conclusion, COMBO is a game-focused blockchain platform that has the potential to transform the gaming industry. By combining the benefits of blockchain technology with game development, the platform can provide players with greater control over their in-game assets and enable developers to create more engaging and rewarding games. With its Test Net now open to the public and a range of exciting features and incentives, COMBO is well-positioned to attract early adopters, community members, and developers to its platform. As the platform continues to grow and expand, it has the potential to become a leading force in the gaming industry.


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Sk Ezaz

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