Running Late with Elon: A Chronicle of Missed Deadlines

Henry Stevens
3 min readOct 24, 2023


Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind companies like Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink, is renowned for his ambitious goals and groundbreaking projects. However, one aspect of Musk’s career that has consistently raised eyebrows is his track record of missing deadlines. This article delves into the history of Musk’s ventures and their penchant for delay, shedding light on the reasons behind his unrealistic deadlines and how it impacts his companies and their stakeholders. The Musk Method: Set High Goals and Miss Deadlines

Elon Musk’s vision for the future is nothing short of audacious. He has a remarkable ability to set bold and exciting goals, whether it’s colonizing Mars, revolutionizing the automobile industry, or creating a brain-computer interface. Musk’s problem, however, is that these ambitions often come with incredibly tight deadlines that he rarely meets. Here’s a closer look at some of his notable endeavors and their deadline hiccups.

  1. Tesla’s Model 3: Perhaps one of the most notorious examples of Musk’s missed deadlines is the Tesla Model 3. Announced in 2016, Musk initially promised to produce 500,000 units annually by 2018. In reality, it took until the end of 2018 to reach a fraction of that goal. Production bottlenecks, quality issues, and logistical challenges significantly delayed the Model 3’s rollout.
  2. SpaceX and Mars Colonization: Musk’s grand vision for colonizing Mars with SpaceX is another case in point. He originally aimed to send an unmanned mission to Mars by 2018 and put humans on the red planet by 2024. As of 2021, the first human mission had yet to occur, demonstrating that space travel is inherently unpredictable.
  3. The Boring Company: Musk’s infrastructure venture, The Boring Company, pledged to revolutionize tunneling and city transportation. Despite setting aggressive timelines for projects like the Las Vegas Convention Center Loop, delays and complications have plagued the company’s progress.

Why Does Musk Miss Deadlines?

  1. Over-Optimism: Elon Musk’s relentless optimism and belief in the capabilities of his companies often lead to overly ambitious deadlines. He is driven by the desire to achieve greatness, but this enthusiasm can sometimes cloud his judgment when setting timelines.
  2. Complexity of Innovation: Musk’s ventures often involve cutting-edge technology, uncharted territory, and numerous unforeseen obstacles. This makes it difficult to predict how long certain processes will take.
  3. Attention Split: Musk’s involvement in multiple groundbreaking companies, such as Tesla and SpaceX, can stretch him thin, making it challenging to meet the aggressive schedules he sets.

Impacts of Missed Deadlines

  1. Investor Confidence: Frequent missed deadlines can undermine investor confidence and hinder a company’s stock performance. Shareholders may become skeptical of Musk’s promises, and this could affect the company’s ability to raise capital.
  2. Regulatory Scrutiny: Repeated delays in meeting safety and regulatory milestones, as seen with Tesla’s Autopilot system, can lead to increased scrutiny from government authorities, potentially impacting a company’s market position.
  3. Employee Burnout: The relentless pursuit of unrealistic goals can lead to employee burnout and high turnover, which in turn affects a company’s productivity and morale.

In Conclusion

Elon Musk’s propensity for missing deadlines is a well-documented aspect of his career. While his visionary approach and ambition have led to some of the most remarkable innovations in recent history, his habit of setting overly aggressive deadlines has had real-world consequences. It is crucial for Musk and his companies to strike a balance between ambition and realistic planning to deliver on their extraordinary promises and maintain stakeholder trust.

