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A first timer’s guide to F45 Peckham Rye… All you need to know!

F45 Peckham Rye
4 min readNov 5, 2021


Every F45 studio in the world runs the exact same 45-minute class each day (we at Rye Lane aren’t an exception), which looks to incorporate functional movements that are designed to target fat loss and help to build and maintain lean muscle mass.

These alternate between HIIT-style cardio, strength training, or a no-nonsense hybrid mixture of the two (for when you’re feeling really fit).

So we at F45 Peckham Rye wanted to give you a better idea of what it’s like to train in our studio with us and all the tips that are sure to answer any questions you may have.

Here’s what you need to know about F45 Peckham Rye:

What is functional training?

Functional training relates to a workout that mimics the movements you use everyday. Think squatting, lifting, pulling, pushing, jumping and twisting… except combined into a 45 minute class.

“Movements that support a person’s ability to complete everyday activities, from walking up the street to picking up a box off the floor,” says Adam Pinder, who owns our F45 Peckham Rye studio.

Life changing training with our trainers at Peckham Rye!

What do the F45 workouts offer?

No two workouts are the same. By varying the exercise type and the number of exercise stations, as well as the work time and rest time, each F45 Peckham Rye session promises to provide a challenging workout that constantly pushes your body to the limit.

“Each session, whether it’s resistance, cardio, or a hybrid, hits every single muscle group,” says Lucy, our Head Trainer at Peckham Rye. “By spreading that volume throughout the week, rather than targeting singular muscle groups on certain days, you can train at a better standard without putting your body through unnecessary stress.”

Love HIIT? Maximise Results With These Handy Tips

Two (or more) personal trainers are on hand at every class to demonstrate each and every exercise before the warm-up, keep motivation rocketing as you work your way through the stations, correct your form, and offer alternatives for members who want or need them.

“Every single movement can easily be regressed and progressed for each individual,” Elliott explains. “This means people of all levels can be in the same room together working to their full capability. That takes away the ‘intimidation’ factor for beginners, which is a beautiful thing.”

How many calories do you burn doing F45?

Well, that depends on how hard you work, and it’s important to remember calorie burn is unique. If you give it your all, the short answer is: loads. In fact one of our legendary lionheart rate belts once recorded 700 calories in a 45 minute session.

What should I wear to F45 classes?

Not sure whether to go for running shoes or weight lifting trainers when arriving at Rye Lane for your first class with us? Go for flat-soled gym shoes, particularly on resistance days; a raised heel will throw your form off and could lead to injury. Avoid zips, as they’ll dig in during floor work — here’s our pick of the best gym leggings for sweaty workouts.

Our studio Owner Adam Pinder’s top tips for making the most of each sweat sesh is: “Number one, leave your pride at the door,” he advises. “Number two, attack each set. Number three, use a Lionheart to keep yourself accountable during and after the session.”

Why should I join F45 Training Peckham Rye?

It’s not all about the calorie burn. It sounds cheesy, but our F45 studio in Peckham Rye is set up to encourage a lifestyle overhaul by fostering a genuine sense of camaraderie. The personal trainers at our studio get to know each member on first-name terms. Post-workout high fives are obligatory.

Being a member eases your transition into a healthier, better-balanced lifestyle. Not just for people coming into fitness for the first time, but also for people who have done fitness for years and have become accustomed to seeing it as a burden. F45 Training Peckham Rye is challenging, but more importantly, it’s fun.”

We look forward to seeing you at our studio!

If you are interested in learning more about F45 Training Peckham Rye, then click the link to our website below 👇🏼


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F45 Peckham Rye

Welcome to F45 Peckham Rye. Discover what it's like to train at our studio on Rye Lane today! We look forward to welcoming you at our studio soon!!