Kieran Tierney analysis

Football Insight
15 min readNov 19, 2021


(Originally posted (07.02.21)

Kieran Tierney vs West Bromwich Albion

Arsenal 4–0 West Brom

Key match facts-

Arsenal for the most part dominated the game, with 62% possession.

Arsenal created plenty of chances, 21 shots on 12 on target.

Arsenal wasted little possession with 82% pass accuracy.

Majority of Arsenal’s attacks came from the left flank, where Tierney plays.

Heat map also shows majority of where Arsenal used the ball.

Arsenal’s preferred areas to attack
Arsenal touch heat map

West Brom had 7 efforts on goal with 3 on target.

West Brom was wasteful in possession losing the ball 24 times.

West Brom opted for attacking directly and relying on counterattacks.

Line ups-

Team sheets

West Brom lined up with a 4–1–4–1 compared to Arsenal’s 4–2–3–1.

Average position during the match (number 3 for Arsenal).

Average players positioning (Number 3 is Tierney)

Why did Tierney get on the ball so much?

Tierney was able to get on the ball so much as he was playing high and wide, this made it difficult for West Brom to mark him as it would stretch their defence, stretching their defense would give more space for Arsenal’s midfield to use in the centre. As a result, West Brom sacrificed marking Tierney to stay compact and narrow in the middle of the pitch to prevent Arsenal from attacking through the centre.

Another reason he was given so much time on the ball was because West Brom’s right winger and right midfielder where quite narrow for most of the game (shown in the average position map). This gave Tierney plenty of space out wide to utilise.

Key Tierney stats-

Tierney registered a goal and an assist.

He maintained an 82% passing accuracy.

Completed 3 out of 3 dribbles successfully.

Made 6 progressive passes.

Managed 69 carries, 13 of which were progressive.

Made 4 key passes, 2 of which were played into the penalty box.

What Tierney did during Arsenal possession-

When Arsenal had possession Tierney would get high and wide, often acting more like a left midfielder rather than a left back. This was made possible as Tierney’s teammate Xhaka would drop into the left of a back 3, formed by Arsenal’s centre back pairing.

This was to try spread West Brom’s defense and create gaps in the centre of the pitch for Arsenal’s creative midfielders to create chances.

It also helped Arsenal to overload the left flank as Tierney would make a passing triangle with Arsenal’s winger and striker/midfielder. This made attacking easier as they had the numerical advantage of a 3v2.

If there was no option forward it would still allow Tierney to play a pass backwards as well to keep possession.

Tierney waiting on the edge of the box was beneficial to his performance as he had plenty of space because West Brom were more focused on defending the cross.

This gave him more time to make a decision if the ball was cleared in his direction. By having more time to decide his next move he was able to pick out the best option as he could scan the pitch.

It also helped prevent a counterattack from West Brom as the space was already covered by Tierney.

Tierney would come in central to when the ball was on the far-right. This was effective as he would make late runs with lots of space, this space allowed him to judge the flight of the ball correctly.

It also allowed him to position his body properly to ensure he made the cleanest connection as possible, leading to a better shot as he would be able to generate more power and have more time to focus on the placement of the shot. Overall leading to a higher chance of scoring.

When Tierney’s teammates where in more advanced areas with the ball he would make good overlapping and underlapping runs.

Tierney did this as West Brom’s defenders are focused on defending Tierney’s teammate which left a space in behind the defence to exploit. As a result, West Brom were unable to defend Tierney quick enough allowing him to get crosses and cutbacks into the penalty area undefended.

When Arsenal had possession of the ball on the far-right wing in advanced areas Tierney would tuck in centrally. This was to help prevent counterattacks from West Brom as they would not be able to use the space quickly because Tierney was there to defend it.

Tierney throughout the 90 minutes was always an option for a pass out from his centre back partner, this helped his teammate as they always knew they had at least one option to pass to when in possession. This relieved stress from his teammate and helped his team get out of some heavy pressure situations.

Tierney was an option for a switch many times throughout the game. He was good at getting into areas for receiving the switch, as a result he had plenty of space to control the ball and attack. It also left West Brom’s right back isolated against Tierney who was confident enough to dribble at him (Tierney completed 3 out of 3 attempted dribbles).

Furthermore, West Brom’s right back was isolated and in a numerical disadvantage too as Tierney’s teammate Aubameyang would come across looking to receive a pass or a one-two.

When Arsenal regained possession, Tierney was very quick to get out high and wide. This was because it was where the space was, this would allow him to attack the space if he received a quick pass to trigger a counterattack.

It also again stretched West Brom’s defence and created gaps for his teammates to find in the centre.

Tierney used dummy runs to his benefit. As shown, he made a run in one direction and then suddenly changed direction to lose his marker. This was to create more space between him and the defender. These few more yards between them allowed Tierney more space, making him capable of finding a pass without being pressed.

Tierney occupied these high and wide areas as they stretched West Brom, it was also where the space was. Being this attacking also helped Arsenal develop their attack as they had more men committed forward to link up together. This made it harder for West Brom because they had many players to defend.

Tierney is effective at communicating with his teammates, as shown he often uses his hands as a gesture of where he wants the ball played. This helps his teammates as they now know where to pass. It also leads to less miscommunication as Tierney has made it clear, showing what he wants, leading to Arsenal making less mistakes and keeping possession.

What Tierney did when he had possession-

Tierney was good at reading the game as he often turned back when he did not see any options forward. This was to start the recycle of playing the ball along the back line to attack the right wing.

This was used to move the ball from the left wing, which had become congested as West Brom moved across to defend, to the right wing where there was now space created.

This ended up leading to a chance where Arsenal failed to score from a cross to the back post.

Tierney always receives the ball on the back foot and making a positive first touch (setting his body orientation towards the opponents’ goal or space to attack). This sped up his play as he did not stop the ball dead and then turn, which would invite pressure.

Tierney was also very quick to get the ball out from under his feet when receiving a pass, allowing him to make passes quicker and not to get caught under pressure.

By getting a pass made quicker he speeds up play and gives West Brom less time to defend and helps exploit space made from players out of position.

When Tierney has the ball and does not see a pass forward, he is quick to release the ball to a safe option. This ensures Arsenal kept possession as Tierney could not caught in possession from opposing players as they were not able to press him quick enough.

Tierney always looks for a progressive pass once receiving the ball, this helps make his attacks direct and quick. This benefits Arsenal as they have more players who can make chances therefore the team is harder to defend as they have many different players who can make impacts in the attacking third.

When Tierney is in a crossing situation but cannot find a good option to cross to, he starts to dribble into the box. This allows him to find a better option as he can then chose to either take a shot or find a player in enough space for a shot. This makes the attack more threatening as the defense has less time to react. (100% dribbles completed)

Another benefit is he can get fouled and win a penalty for his team.

When Tierney finds space out wide in a good crossing position, he is quick to cross the ball. This is because he has space and the cross cannot be blocked as no opponents are close enough, as a result this puts pressure on the defenders in the box to make a clearance. To add to the pressure even more Tierney gets the ball in quick often preventing the defenders anytime to get ready to clear the ball. This leads to a greater chance of his team scoring as the opponents are not prepared.

Tierney is confident enough to drive at his opposing defenders with the ball. This applies instant pressure upon the opponent to defend Tierney. As a result, he often catches them off guard and manages to dribble by them as they are not prepared to defend and are positioned too square to him, making it easy for Tierney to knock it past them and run. (100% completed dribbles).

Tierney is effective at playing passes down the line into attacking areas. He plays the ball with the correct weight and accuracy to place the pass exactly where he wants, making it easy for his teammates to control the ball and keeping the attack fluid.

First example.

Second example.

Tierney was very effective at enticing pressure from his opponents and then finding a pass into the centre and out of pressure, as a result he was able to remove two players from play as he managed to bypass their press.

By inviting pressure before passing, he made his teammates jobs easier as they had more space to use once they received the pass, allowing them to turn and attack the defense quickly.

Tierney was good at taking long throw ins to get out of the defensive third. Although in this case it was defended by West Brom, for another throw in, it brought Arsenal out their defensive third and into West Brom’s half. This brought the whole team up around 30 yards giving them more space to play with. It also applied the pressure on West Brom to defend again.

Tierney has good awareness because he scans his surroundings well, both often and at the right moments. This allows him to decide what he will do before he even receives the ball sometimes. In this situation he was able to notice two players applying pressure to him and that his teammate was then as a result left free and in space. He manages to make a pass to this teammate which then removes two of West Brom’s defenders from the play and giving his team more space to work with within the box.

This scenario ended up with the goalkeeper being forced to make a save.

When Tierney gets the ball in crossing positions near the goal line, he makes low crosses with power across the goal face for a teammate to run through and tap it home. These are effective crosses as if a striker gets to the ball first the goalkeeper has almost no time to react making it incredibly difficult to make a save. Furthermore, it forces the defender to make contact with the ball as leaving it is too dangerous, as a result with the pace the ball travels at it could go anywhere and can end up in his own net.

What Tierney did out of possession-

When out of possession Tierney gets into the traditional left back position, close to this left centre back partner. This is to make the pitch narrower and make it harder for West Brom to attack through the centre of the pitch as there is very limited space and it is congested.

Tierney is fast to apply pressure to the winger he marks. This helps him when defending as he often gets to the player before they receive the ball, making it very hard for the winger to attack as he cannot dribble at Tierney anymore. It also gives Tierney the opportunity to pounce on him if he makes a poor touch, stopping his attack and giving possession back to Arsenal.

He likes to jockey the players he marks rather than diving in and getting beaten easily, this however leads to him making few tackles. This means he often needs a teammate to help press the player to win back possession.

He is quick to get back into position when Arsenal lose possession to limit the space West Brom can use to attack.

Tierney is not good at winning aerial duels. Most of the time he opts for nudging his opponents off balance, this is because he is trying to put off his opponent and stop them from making a clean contact with the ball. Even when he does contest for the ball as shown he dose not truly commit to winning the header as his positioning is wrong and he jumps late, all he is trying to do is to make his opponent lose their balance.

As shown here because of Tierney’s weakness in heading he relies on his teammates to win his headers. This puts extra pressure on his teammates and can bring them out of position sometimes. Allowing West Brom to occupy that space for a second ball.

Tierney is effective at reading the play when defending and can often cut out passes preventing the opponent’s winger from using the space in behind the defense. As a result of winning these interceptions Arsenal have the chance to counterattack.

Tierney defending a counterattack-

Tierney was often too slow to get back to defend a counterattack because of his high attacking positioning. He tried to get back as fast as possible but unless the attack was stalled or lost its speed, he was not quick enough to get back.

Xhaka was often chosen to sit deep to allow Tierney’s attacking positioning however that still was not enough to stop the counters, overall Tierney pushing high could often leave Arsenal weakened to counterattacks.

What Tierney does in a counterattack-

When on the counter Tierney sprints down the touchline making overlapping runs for the winger to give a pass to, or to receive a lofted ball from midfield. He is fast to get out of defense and can use his speed to exploit large areas of space out wide, created from over committed fullbacks.

Summary of common things Tierney did-

Positive touches.

Looking for progressive passes.

Underlapping and overlapping runs for threaded through balls.

Quick crosses.

Keeping it safe and ensuing he kept possession with back passes.

He was also an option for a pass from the CB.

Relieving pressure with passes inside centrally.

Making himself an option for a switch (this led to the first goal).

Carrying the ball down the side-line (69 carries, 13 progressive).

Finding space out wide.

Passes down the line.


Was good at reading the game.

Using his speed down the touchline.

Long throw ins to get out the defensive third.

Deciding whether to make an overlapping or underlapping run.

Good communication with teammates, pointing to space when he wants the ball played to or asking for it to his feet. (particularly with hand gestures).

Passes down the line.

He was unpredictable as he could slow or sped the game up with back passes or direct runs forward.

Good crossing ability.


Aerial duels.

Too attacking, threat from counter.

Often needed a teammate to press an opponent with him.

Anything major needing noted-

Tierney becomes prime Messi when playing in snow as he scores the opener in 22nd minute, snow clearly reminds him of home (Scotland). [Obviously go watch, it is a lot better]

He is also a true Scots man as he rocks out in the cold snow in short sleeves.


