The Evolution of Fantasy Football


It goes without saying that the origins of FAN Token and the Fan Controlled Football League are rooted in the indomitable force that is the fantasy sports industry. For several decades now, fantasy has permeated the greater professional sports landscape in nearly every way, shape, and form. Once a black sheep reserved for the truly nerdiest amongst the sports crowd, fantasy sports now represents a (seven) billion dollar industry. Broadcasters build their User Interface around the statistical narrative of each game. Entire television series revolve around their universal quirky appeal. With smartphones in hand, fantasy sports have essentially merged into the modern fan experience.

But how did they ever come to be in the first place? Can you imagine keeping track of such things in a pre-internet era, let alone a pre-computer era?

The early pioneers used an olden-day technology known as pencil (or sometimes pen, which utilizes ink) in combination with paper, which is like a static, foldable computer screen, typically derived from spruce or pine trees. They kept note entirely by hand (presumably by candlelight) and pored through the previous day’s newspaper clippings (don’t ask) in order to tally up their numbers.

God bless those brave souls. It is in their honor that we present to you; The Evolution of Fantasy Football, brought to you by FAN Token:



FCFL- Fan Controlled Football League

Check out this new paradigm in professional sports management where the fans are in control —