Demystifying Our $FIG Distribution for the Testnet Phase 2 Airdrop

4 min readApr 13, 2024


The second phase of our official testnet has been live for just under a week and is already seeing a staggering reception.

We thoroughly appreciate the effort our community is making to test our protocol and are proud to reward each and every one of you with our free $FIG airdrop distribution — you deserve it!

To increase transparency, we’ve decided to fully outline our $FIG distribution breakdown in this second phase, allowing you to maximize your $FIG airdrop.

With defined rules, testers can understand precisely what to expect and will understand the direct route to earning the highest airdrop.

FILLiquid’s Testnet Phase Two Underway: 2,000 Participating Wallets In Just Five Days

The second phase of our testnet went live on April 8th at 10 AM (GMT + 8). In just a few days, we’ve seen astonishing testing data and are thrilled with the time you’re taking to test the product.

The first testnet was also a staggering success. Over 10,000 wallets participated in the first phase of the testnet, allowing us to collect vital data necessary to make improvements we’re introducing in this round of testing.

For example, we’ve changed our $FIG Farming emissions schedule and updated our UI/UX to provide a much smoother and more modern interface.

We’ve taken the results from the testnet phase one further by creating another product to introduce to our DeFI suite: $FIG Staking. This new product pushes $FIG beyond the scope of a governance token, allowing stakers to earn a share of the protocol’s revenue — effectively turning them into owners. We plan on launching this new product in the coming days, so be sure to join our Discord to be notified as soon as it’s live.

The second phase of testing is seeing similar success to the first. In just five days, almost 2,000 unique wallets have already participated, and we’re already on track to surpass the participation in the first testnet phase.

How Will the $FIG Airdrop Reward Be Distributed In The Phase 2 Airdrop?

We’ve decided to publicly provide a breakdown of the procedure to clarify how the 3 million $FIG allocated in the second testing phase will be distributed.

We’ve broken down the distribution into three separate categories.

The first category is for those who have completed the interactions on the testnet. We’ve allocated 600,000 $FIG, 20% of the $FIG airdrop, to this category.

The second category is for those who have completed the interaction and entered our Discord server to send their interaction address. This category allocates 30% of the total airdrop — 900,000 $FIG.

The third category is for those who have completed the testnet interaction, entered the Discord community to send their interaction address, and reached the Level 5 Community Discord level. This is the most rewarding category, with a 50% distribution — 1,500,000 $FIG.

Completing the interaction involved staking $tFIL, farming $FIT, and $FIG Staking (which will be launched soon). If you complete all three of these requirements, your wallet address will be eligible to receive a $FIG airdrop distribution, depending on your category, as outlined above.

The $FIG airdrop distribution is unrelated to the number of $FIG farmed in the testnet.

What’s Coming Next?

With our testnet ongoing, we have many exciting announcements to make in the coming weeks.

One of the most exciting announcements will be the release of the $FIG Staking protocol. Our developers are putting the final touches on the product, and we’re almost ready to add it to the testnet.

Another exciting announcement will be the results of our external audit, which is currently ongoing. We expect the results very soon, so follow our socials to be alerted when we get the official approval.

Finally, the most exciting announcement will be the official mainnet launch, which we’ll discuss a little closer to the time.

Overall, things are progressing very well here at FILLiquid, and we’re incredibly proud to be bringing our Filecoin lending platform to the sector.

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FILLiquid is designed as a liquidity pool that will be implemented on FVM as a fully open-sourced, decentralized, algorithm-based lending platform.