Kickstart The New Year with our 4th Phase of Airdrop — FINX “Learn 2 Earn” Event!

FINX Global
11 min readJan 30, 2023

2022 has been a blast thanks to your support and now we want to continue the momentum by announcing the 4th Phase of our Airdrop — Learn 2 Earn Airdrop Event!

As we’ve been verified on Galxe, all campaigns will be done on Galxe again and each successful participant will get unique OATs according to the events you participate in.

Event Date: 30th January — 30th March 2023** (Extended from 15th March)

There will be 1,000,000 FINX token airdrops to be collected through 8 events! Are you excited? Let’s have a look at the events for this Airdrop phase.

Galxe Event:

Learn 2 Earn Event 01: Chat Contest Event

Prizepool Allocation:
20% to be shared equally among OAT holders depending on the chat level (5% for each level mentioned below)

  • Level 13 — 5% of Prize Pool (50,000 FINX Token)
  • Level 26 — 5% of Prize Pool (50,000 FINX Token)
  • Level 39 — 5% of Prize Pool (50,000 FINX Token)
  • Level 52 — 5% of Prize Pool (50,000 FINX Token)

Event Details:

Unlike the chat contest, we’ve previously hosted, this chat contest will be slightly different, including learning rather than just chatting. For this event, users will get the chance to collect 4 OATs at Level 13, Level 26, Level 39 and Level 52, provided they passed the exam below!

How it works:

  1. Once you’ve reached the chat level mentioned above (EG: Level 13), a forum channel of “Level 13" will be made visible to you.
  2. Inside the forum channel, there are 20+ questions that are related to FINX Global inside for you to study and learn more in depth about our project.
  3. Every Tuesday to Friday (4PM, GMT+8), we will have an “Exam” on a specific channel.
  4. As long as you are in TOP 10 with minimum scoring (TBC) during the exam, you will be eligible to claim OAT from each galxe campaign!
  5. Do note that you will only be able to proceed to another level of exam once you passed the previous one, so make sure to study hard!

Sounds easy? It should be. We’ve gathered all the questions and answers for the exam, so as long as you read and study, you should be able to ace it!

This new year, we’re aiming to make our chatting contest more meaningful — we want you to not just chat but learn more about FINX while you’re at it.


Each OATs are stackable, which means if you chat until Level 52 and passed all the exam, you will be getting the share of 20% prize pool rather than just 1!

Galxe Event:

Learn 2 Earn Event 02: FINX Staker

Prizepool Allocation:
15% to be shared equally among OAT holders

Event Details:

Just like our previous Phase 3 Airdrop, all you need to do to get an OAT for this event is by staking on FINSWAP.

Here’s the level of staking and the percentage of the prize pool:

Staking $1000 on FINSWAP — 8% (Entitled for FINX OG role)
Staking $100 on FINSWAP — 5%
Staking $10 on FINSWAP — 2%

Do take note that staking amount must be on one go rather than accumulating.

Example for $100 staking event:
✅ Staked any amount between 100–999 USDT in one go
❌ Staked 40 USDT on first time, then adding another 60 USDT for second time IS NOT COUNTED

Excited? Get staking!

FINSWAP Staking Page:

Note: For users that stake $1000 USDT or above, you may claim your OG role by following the instruction here

Galxe Event:

Learn 2 Earn Event 03: FINX Artist

Prizepool Allocation:
to be shared equally among OAT holders.

Event Details:
We acknowledge that we have a lot of creatives in our community and we want to give them the chance to shine again by submitting any form of creative art relating to FINX!

Rules: Content created must be related to FINX, it can be meme, art or anything!

- Post your art on Twitter first and tag us @FINXSupport
- Share the link on our Discord art channel
- Our moderator will view your content and provide you with the role if you are eligible.

Note: Your submissions might be used for future content posting. Reusing content from previous event will not be counted.

To avoid unnecessary art copyright issues and plagiarism, we require every submitted art to include your Discord ID as a watermark in the submitted art itself.

Galxe Link:

Submission Deadline: 25th March 2023

Learn 2 Earn Event 04: FINX Gamer

Prizepool Allocation:
10% to be shared equally among OAT holders

Event Details:

One of the event that is most anticipated by our community, FINX Gamer!

For this event, there will be 2–3 games that will be played for the community, which are Tetris, Guess the FINX Logo & FINX Maze!

We will provide different rewards depending on the game difficulty for each game, and eligible players will get the @gamer role in discord!

So make sure you brush up on your gaming skills and look out for the details of the games that will be announced in further detail soon.

Note that if you register for the event but did not participate on the game day itself, you will be considered a forfeit and your participation will not count.

Galxe Link:

Learn 2 Earn Event 05: Forum Master

Prizepool Allocation:
10% to be shared equally among OAT holders

Event Details:

We will be opening a forum channel for users to write or ask about FINX related topic. To claim an OAT, you can choose to:

  • Write any topics relating to FINX however your discussion will have to be educational, meaningful and as in-depth as possible.


  • Constantly answering & engaging to all forums that are asked by other community member.

Our MOD will go through each forum post individually. If we decide your forum / engagement fits the criteria, you will get a Forum Master role in Discord first, and then we will determine again your eligiblity at the end of event!

Remember the aim is to write meaningful content to educate the users or answering/engaging with other community forum post!

Galxe Link:

Submission Deadline: 25th March 2023

Learn 2 Earn Event 06: Supporter

Prizepool Allocation:
10% to be shared equally among OAT holders

Event Details:

The rule of this event is simple, we will post a link to our tweets, daily and you will have to retweet them.

However, in order for you to be qualified to receive an OAT from this event, you must:

  • Retweet at least 20 of our Tweets, one will be posted every few days.
  • You will also have to be our FINX Twitter follower.

Note: OAT will remain closed until 20 tweets credential are updated to the campaign.

Galxe Link:

Learn 2 Earn Event 07: FINX Influencer

Prizepool Allocation:
to be shared equally among OAT holders.

We did similar event on Phase 3 previously, and the results were awesome! Alot of new users are able to learn about FINX through the videos posted by our community, and this time we want to achieve the same thing:

To educate new users on the conveniency & benefits of FINX Wallet!

Note: Only applicable for FINX Wallet App, not Extension!

👉 Android Download:

👉 IOS Download:


Record a video that revolve around our FINX Wallet, you can choose to demonstrate on how to:

  1. Swap tokens using FINSWAP, Stake with USDT, or promoting our fund transfer through BNB domain, or even connecting and buying NFT via our Browser section!
  2. You must cover a minimum of 2 sections within this FINX Wallet for this event, make sure to cover it thoroughly, or else you wont be qualified. Also, you must complete the task with real transactions in the video. EG: Swap or stake with ANY amount when recording the video.
  3. Duration: Minimum of 5 mins is required for all video submitted, you can introduce FINX Wallet and its benefits first as introduction, then only go through each section.
  4. To avoid unnecessary video copyright issues and plagiarism, we require every submitted video to include your Discord ID as a watermark in the submitted video itself.

Submission Steps:

  1. Record a video of FINX Wallets first with the requirements above
  2. Post the video out on either Youtube or TikTok platforms
  3. Share the Youtube or TikTok link to Twitter and tag @FINXSupport account
  4. Share the Twitter link to our Discord #influencer-submission channel

Our MOD will individually review all submissions, once you fit our requirements, you will be given an “Influencer” role in Discord and eligible to claim the OAT!

Galxe Link:

Submission Deadline: 25th March 2023

Learn 2 Earn Event 08: FINX Mystery Event

Prizepool Allocation:
to be shared equally among OAT holders.

Check out the breakdown of our Mystery Event below!

Mystery 01: STOT Trader (Ended)

Announcing our very first Mystery 01 event: Finxeed STOT Trader!

To be eligible for this event, all you need to do is sign up an @Finxeed account using our link below, purchase any of the STOT package and submit your entry in our Discord!

Sign Up Link: Closed

10,000 FINX Token has been allocated for this Airdrops , so be sure to participate if you are interested to be a STOT trader!

Full guide here:

Once you have successfully signed up, remember to submit your application in 🎁mystery-01-submission

Mystery 02: General Quizzer

Announcing our 2nd Mystery event: General Quizzer!

You asked & we listened! There will be a General Quiz soon that all members can participate in, even if you do not have any levels. All you need is to study hard and pass the quiz

Study materials are all ready in learn-2-earn-quiz Discord forum, be sure to study everything from here, because we will extract questions randomly there!

20,000 FINX Token Airdrop allocated for Mystery 02!

Join Discord to participate:

For full info, refer to the Galxe campaign here:

Mystery 03: FINX Wallet User

Prizepool Allocation:
from Mystery Event to be shared equally among OAT holders.

Introducing our Mystery 03 Event: FINX Wallet User, featuring 100,000 FINX Token Airdrop

Requirements: All you need to do is

  1. Download the latest FINX Wallet app ( 0.4.7 & above )

2. Create/import your account to be eligible for the OAT rewards.

3. Please give Galxe 1–2 days for the data to sync

Note: If you did not perform Step 2, you will not be eligible for the OAT. So it is advisable to logout of your current account & login again after updating to the latest FINX Wallet update.

*Remember to use the same wallet address you created/imported from Step 2 when you are claiming this OAT.

Download & get yours today!

Galxe Link:

Mystery 04: BABT Holders

FINX will continue to support BABT holders and providing FINX Tokens as rewards for all eligible users!

Users with a BABT token in their wallet will be automatically eligible for this OAT, and you can start claiming this beautiful OAT from this coming Saturday, 4th March 2023.

Other than that, you will also be required to retweet one of the specific tweet which we will be posted soon, stay tuned!

Galxe Link: TBC

Additional Tasks: Leave a Review!

Loving the latest FINX Wallet update so far? Then leave us a good review!

For every review that you posted in the app store, you will be given certain XP as reward for you to level up in our Learn 2 Earn event.

What you need to do:

  1. Head over to Playstore or App store and search for “FINX Wallet & Card”
  2. Download the app and be sure to use it first so that you can participate in Mystery 03 Event as well
  3. Leave a review from the store with your positive thoughts! (Make sure to give 5 stars as well)
  4. Attached your Discord username in the review section as well so that we can track it
  5. Screenshot your review and submit it at our Discord Review-submission channel for us to check and verify
  6. Once you are verified, we will mark your post and this means that the XP rewards have been distributed to you!

So be sure to write a really nice reviews if you wish to be selected & earn more XP!

How to Claim Your Airdrop?

Unlike our previous airdrop phase, the Phase 4 airdrop rewards will need to be manually claimed through our FINSWAP website once the official rewards distribution are set.

You will need to have a little BNB ready as gas fee when claiming the airdrop. An exact date will be announced when the claiming site is open, but this will only happen few weeks after our event officially ends at 15th March 2023 . So for now, you can just participate in as many events as you can and accumulate the airdrop rewards!


Are you ready to kickstart?

Before we end this article, do note that all airdrops will only be distributed AFTER the event officially ends. A specific date will be dropped soon once its confirmed, so for now, you can enjoy all the events and mingle around with FINEX members!

Hope to see you soon!

About FINX Global

FINX is a Web3 organisation that is aimed at enabling seamless crypto & fiat wallet experience, bridging cryptocurrencies with the world by integrating digital assets into the global financial system allowing digital payments that are accepted globally.

FINX is focusing on making crypto and fiat financing easy by enabling users to send, receive, store and spend their crypto however they want it, anywhere they want it, within the FINX ecosystem.

Social Media & Communities

FINX Wallet:



FINX Global

FINX is the future of finance that aims to promote digital assets payments into the financial system, enabling digital payments that are accepted globally