FIXER named Microsoft 2018 Partner of the Year and rewarded with the Financial Services Award

4 min readAug 30, 2018


We are thrilled to announce that FIXER has been recognized as a 2018 Microsoft Partner of the Year and rewarded with the Financial Services Award, by Microsoft Japan. The award has been introduced this year and honors FIXER among a competitive field of top Microsoft partners for proven expertise in innovation and implementation of customer solutions in the financial industry. FIXER was selected by a panel of judges from across Microsoft’s business practices and recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services, as well as representing excellent subsidiary engagement in Japan. We were recognized for our exceptional work and effective local engagement in the financial space: showcasing innovation and business impact, driving customer satisfaction, and winning new customers.

We are currently engaged by a handful of clients in different industries and have previously been acknowledged as the Microsoft Partner of the Year by Microsoft Japan in 2013 and 2014, and by Microsoft US in 2017, for our strong operational expertise of the cloud platform Microsoft Azure. After realizing the high demand for cloud in the financial industry, we have been focusing on providing local banks with cloud infrastructure, as well as managing the system and application design, construction, maintenance and operation. Taking advantage of our expertise and proven track of record in cloud-based transformation, we plan to increase the cloud adoption in the banking section through introducing our cloud.config for Financial Services solution to 10 banks across Japan by 2020.

FIXER is Disrupting Old Banking System in Japan with the Cloud

Digital transformation has now become a hot topic in the enterprise world and synonym of a rapidly evolving digital era, which is underpinned by the proliferation of cloud-based technologies. The banking industry has especially changed radically, and digital transformation is now a strategic imperative also for financial institutions. The cloud allows banks to make intuitive use of a combination of software products necessary for their banking operations. FIXER’s projects will allow local banks in Japan to accumulate knowledge related to cloud development and operations and continue their transformation to a state of cloud-readiness.

Revitalizing the Business of Hokkoku Bank

Hokkoku Bank is a local bank in Ishikawa prefecture, which was suffering from an old business system that was holding back their growth. To revitalize their business, we renovated and reconstructed their on-premise internet banking system on Azure, leading the service & system design, development, and operation. This new solution is called Cloud Banking and is the first Microsoft Azure-based internet cloud banking service in Japan. This new cloud-based internet banking will result in dramatic reductions in infrastructure costs and address the security concerns that are the most pressing issue when selecting infrastructure. It will also aid the bank in their efforts to reform their system UI and UX and allow for implementation of a strategic marketing based on big data, providing increased efficiency and expanded customer services. In order to overcome the bank’s skepticism towards the security of the public cloud we demonstrated the power of Microsoft Azure and how this cloud service is indispensable for the further development of Hokkoku Bank.

The Lift & Shift Project with Kiyo Bank

Kiyo Bank is the main bank serving corporations in Wakayama prefecture, with a market share of over 60%. From the perspective of future strategic expansion and security enhancements, Kiyo Bank was facing a high demand for fast and secure transition to cloud environments. This was the catalyst to form the partnership between Kiyo Bank and FIXER for a cloud transformation project called “Lift & Shift”, in collaboration with Microsoft Japan. The project aims to improve the efficiency of the bank’s business by reducing IT costs, enhancing the level of security and allowing them to focus only on expanding new software functionality to meet customers’ demand. The Lift & Shift Project is expected to be completed in 2019, with the dual goals of migrating (Lift) Kiyo Bank’s existing on-premises assets to the cloud platform Microsoft Azure and enabling the progression (Shift) to next-generation FinTech services. We will also continue to provide maintenance and operations services post-migration through our flagship solution cloud.config, a 24/7 full managed service of Microsoft Azure.

Once we realize that a surprisingly amount of the financial systems in today’s world are primarily built on technology from the 20th-century, it becomes clear that these financial organizations’ need for a radical change is necessary — if not mandatory. Our goal is to lead the digital transformation for our customers, empowering them to embrace innovation and improve how they provide financial services to their customers. We are honored to have received the Microsoft Award and we couldn’t have achieved this success without the hard work and effort of our employees and the support of our customers and partners.

If you have any questions or suggestions, I am happy to receive your thoughts! You can comment here or contact me directly.

Contact Detail:

Fabrizio Calogero
Global Branding Lead at FIXER Inc.

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