FlamingoDAO Enters The Gotchiverse

5 min readDec 1, 2021


Announcing our land parcels partnership

In the old days, when the world was new and the future unwritten, two strange groups met upon the fields of Discord.

The first, was called The LAO. This band of old souls and fresh blood did not have a chief to speak for them, instead they communicated through a collective voice called the Hivemind. They took their inspiration from the DAO of lore, that mythical entity whose downfall caused the gods to issue the Hard Fork.

The second was no less odd. Human once, but now they roamed a realm beyond, spiritlands swept by great forces. They called themselves Aavegotchi and claimed they could summon the powers of DeFi and NFTs and meld them into a new type of magic.

The LAO knew of DeFi. It had invested its great guild bank in many DeFi projects, but NFTs were a new frontier. Aside from a marketplace called SuperRare, the LAO had not met any other NFT projects and it was curious.

A meeting was called in the great gathering hall of Zoom. There, the summoners and the hivemind met. They discussed many things and an alliance was formed between these two young tribes. Tankards were raised, they toasted to their health and the health of all their heirs to come.

Today, The LAO and Aavegotchi stand among the venerable great houses of web3. Both have been fruitful since that first meeting, growing their tribes, spreading out across the land. As far afield as each has traveled, neither forgot their alliance to the other, a kinship forged between earlier travelers and now renewed today with a bond between their children.

“Mutual respect and a shared dedication to that which rests on-chain define our paartnership,” gldnXross of Aavegotchi.

A Proclamation of Paartnership

FlamingoDAO, Child of The LAO, First of the NFT DAOs, Holder of an Alien Punk, Minter of Squiggles & The Medicis of NFTs, stands before you to proclaim the continuance of the great pact formed with the Aavegotchi.

“We are the early, the brave, the unconquered, a fearless flamboyance, and we venture forth today to establish a new frontier in the Gotchiverse. Our new home will be resplendent, it will shimmer pink and proud, stand unbowed. We will open our doors to all, and share in the bounty of Alchemica with our cousin gotchis big and smol,” The Alien, FlamingoDAO.

Let it be known to all that FlamingoDAO has invested 50 ETH to acquire:

  • One Paartner Parcel in the great Citaadel of the Gotchiverse
  • Gotchis equipped with wearables to serve as stewards of our land
  • REALMs to harvest the elements of FOMO, KEK, ALPHA & FUD

The Paartner Parcel will be built with the aid of Pixelcraft Studios, summoners of Aavegotchi. The collaboration will respect gotchi ways and culture, but it will be FlamingoDAO through and through. Our impressive collection of NFTs, generative art and collectibles will be woven into a unique gaming experience offering play to earn rewards.

Furthermore, let it be known to the Liquidators that FlamingoDAO stands ready to defend the Great Portal in the nine battles foretold in the Prophecy. Our reputation is fearsome, our skills are unmatched. We are bonded to Aavegotchi and will fight alongside them to preserve the world’s first DeFi enabled MMORPG.

A Look Inside the Gotchiverse

Aavegotchis are DeFi-backed NFTs. Each Aavegotchi is a playable NFT endowed with a uniquely generated personality and is staked with yield generating tokens known as Spirit Force. Not only are they great frens, they also earn interest.

The Gotchiverse continues this tradition of innovation by introducing the world’s first yield-bearing land parcels. Owners of REALM parcels can employ their Aavegotchis (and those of others) to farm their REALM parcels, producing quantities of resources known as Gotchus Alchemica. These resources can be combined to create powerful structures known as Installations.

An Alchemical Harvester allows your parcel to accrue yield passively

Installations enhance REALM parcels. They can be defensive, protecting Gotchis and yield from nefarious Liquidators. They can build community, with lodges acting as gathering places for guilds. Or they can increase yield through harvesters and reservoirs.

Within the Gotchiverse, there is a great stronghold known as the Citaadel. At its center is the The Great Portal, a structure of impressive magical character, capable of bridging the chasm between the Gotchiverse and the Human Realm. Within the Great Portal swirl the spirits of all Aavegotchis that ever existed. The Great Portal protects the Gotchiverse Citaadel, with a powerful force field that keeps out the Liquidators.

The Gotchiverse is split into the two zones known as The Citaadel and The Grid

It has been foretold that the day will come when the Citaadel’s Force Field is lowered, allowing Liquidators to plunder the Great Portal in an event known as the Great Battle. This event will be repeated nine times, at the culmination of which a momentous mystery will be revealed. Any Liquidator reaching the Great Portal will plunder a share of the Alchemica stored within.

At the end of each Great Battle, it has been foretold that all Alchemica in the Gotchiverse Parcels will be replenished, nurtured by the Spirit Force of the fallen Gotchis and Liquidators, in preparation for the next battle.

About FlamingoDAO

FlamingoDAO is an NFT DAO whose membership collectively invests and curates across the entire spectrum of NFTs. Our passions span generative & digital art, collectibles, gaming, the metaverse and photography. In addition to digital assets, we are early investors in projects, incubators of DAOs and collaborate with artists and builders across the web3 space.


Collection: https://flamingodao.xyz/collection

About Aavegotchi

Aavegotchis are on-chain collectible ghosts staked with Aave’s interest-generating aTokens.

Compete for player rewards by earning XP, leveling up, and increasing the rarity of your Aavegotchi fren. Aavegotchi is governed by the AavegotchiDAO via the native eco-governance token GHST. Summon your first Aavegotchi and join the future of DeFi-staked NFT avatars!

Aavegotchi.com | Gotchiverse.io | Discord | Wiki | Medium | Twitter

