I’m going to be okay

15 OF 30 DAYS

Florence Leonardo
1 min readDec 16, 2022

I’m available to talk, adept, and willing.

Time has past and distance is lengthening.

Enough unfolded and transpired in the silence between.

It was communicating even without intention.

Anger and Bitterness is what I’ve felt. Still feeling.

I say, “what I have experienced so far is enough to know.”

I want to know. What really happened?

I still ache. Longing to experience another version of us.

Believing even if it’s a fantasy that there is a parallel reality where the two of us are in harmony with each other.

In sync and singing the profession of our love for each other.

It is too soon to know? Is that where I’ve missed it?

Or is our dynamic not going to mature in the direction of love that it is hard for me to miss this early on?

It is difficult to accept that it was just a connection without depth.

I need depth. I need intimacy. I need it like the air I breathe.

Do you see me? Do you also ache and long for me?

I feel I do not exist. That I’m forgettable and replaceable.

It hurts.

We were on the surface and it bruised me.

The view was pleasant but it did not move me.

With much of my expression I am lost for words.

Tho part of me still want to experience the depths of you.

It is best to say farewell and goodbye.

I’m going to be okay.



Florence Leonardo

FlorenceLeonardo.com | Storytelling is me. Love crafting poetry, reflect, communicate, educate, and relate to you. I'm an evolving Woman. This is 40 and Beyond.