“She believed she could, So she did”

I’m sipping a dark roast, black coffee on this mug that I bought from Amazon, and that tag line was so catchy that’s why I bought it. Thought provoking as well. What exactly did she believed she could? What did she do?

I can list a bunch of what I have done so far because I genuinely believed I could do it. Some did take off to the level of success I had set for myself. Some became simply the essence of the experience of doing it. Then there are those I’ve done that I’m still awaiting for the result, the turn, the tide. There are those I’m still awaiting to manifest simply because I believed it will.

I have 2 YouTube Channel to this day. One was established February 2020 and the other February 2022. Two years apart and wow so much can truly take place within two years.

I genuinely believed that trying it the first time would take off. That I would connect with people through the video content I publish on Personal Development, storytelling, and become famous overnight. The subscribers to this day is 36. I’m laughing, but not sarcastically. I’m okay. I think my intention at the time wasn’t fine tuned. I started it with the belief that who ever needed to connect with me, whomever needs to hear my message will find my content. Yup, 36 of them did. Fourteen of whom subscribed this year.

I then since found a new interest you could say. Ultimately, new way of expressing myself. In which I started a new Channel strictly housing videos pertaining to the new content. This is on Psychic-Tarot Reading which I consider Spiritual and Entertaining. Since February of 2022 the subscriber of my new Channel is at 1.47K. I am blown away. I definitely want to be known not just for what I do, but mostly what I love. I also want monetization for sharing what I love. Everything requires allocation of time, energy, and effort. Of course I want compensation.

“She believed she could, So she did”

There isn’t much of what I won’t do now a days. However, there isn’t much of what I would do that I do not do with intention. If I’m trying out things, if I’m exploring new depths, widths, heights, I’m doing it with intention. Not going headfirst, grounding my feet, and blind folded. My heart is leading me this time around, and my heard serving my passion.

What do I believe now a days? Well, I truly believe that I can do whatever I want if I desire it. Desire is the door to the energy of my passion. When passion is fueling that which I’m doing, then all is well. It doesn’t matter so much to me if what I’m doing takes off, doesn’t ground, or I’m still awaiting the fruit of my labor. When my passion is activated, that is the soil where success manifest and grow.

So what are you passionate about today?

She believed she could, So she did it.



Florence Leonardo

FlorenceLeonardo.com | Storytelling is me. Love crafting poetry, reflect, communicate, educate, and relate to you. I'm an evolving Woman. This is 40 and Beyond.