Florida Drivers: Florida Ticket Firm is here to help you

Florida Ticket Firm
5 min readSep 9, 2016


Florida Ticket Firm, a traffic ticket, criminal defense and personal injury law firm, has opened its office in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Traffic citations are as common in South Florida as palm trees and traffic lights. Welcome, Florida Ticket Firm! Florida Ticket Firm, with its traffic light palm tree logo, is going to be building its home among the palm trees, traffic lights and fast-paced life of South Florida.

South Floridians are busy. Their lives are moving and shaking professionally, socially and literally within South Florida’s clubs, night life and party scene. No one has time to slow down. Everyone is speeding up. That speed and fast-paced lifestyle carries over to South Florida’s streets and interstates, which frequently results in Florida law enforcement stepping in, pulling over and putting a stop to the party by issuing a Florida Uniform Traffic Citation.

Getting a ticket is no fun. You’ve got places to be and people to see. You really don’t have time to pull over and wait for the ticket, much less go to court and fight it. Handling a traffic ticket is a hassle and a headache. Enter Florida Ticket Firm!

Your time is valuable and it’s scarce. You’re already spread too thin. Now you have a traffic ticket, but you know you can’t just pay that ticket, or you’ll be admitting guilt, you’ll have a traffic conviction on your driving record, your driver license will get hit with points (the bad kind), your insurance rates will go through the roof and your driver license could be put at risk of suspension. Florida Ticket Firm can help you!

Florida Ticket Firm and its South Florida network of experienced traffic ticket lawyers can take over your traffic ticket headache for you, without slowing down your life — even if you have to slow down on the streets. Rather than using your precious free time or taking unpaid time off work, Florida Ticket Firm will fight your traffic citation for you. Florida Ticket Firm will save you time, and time is money. Not only will Florida Ticket Firm relieve you of the general stress associated with having to deal with a ticket, Florida Ticket Firm will simultaneously improve the chances that the outcome will be a favorable one.

Although there are other traffic ticket law firms in South Florida, Florida Ticket Firm prides itself on the experience of the numerous traffic ticket lawyers who handle Florida Ticket Firm’s cases. Florida Ticket Firm’s traffic citation attorneys have collectively handled well-over one million (1,000,000) traffic ticket cases, and most of Florida Ticket Firm’s traffic law attorneys have handled Florida Uniform Traffic Citations on behalf of many of the larger traffic ticket law firms in the area. The experience of Florida Ticket Firm’s traffic lawyers and their vast knowledge of Florida traffic law is crucial when it comes to seeking the dismissal of your traffic citation.

The traffic citation attorneys for Florida Ticket Firm know when law enforcement has written a “bad ticket” that does not satisfy Florida legal requirements. When a Florida Uniform Traffic Citation does not comply with Florida law, Florida Ticket Firm’s traffic ticket lawyers know how to argue for its dismissal. Many times there are technical legal arguments available to attack a ticket that only a traffic ticket lawyer familiar with fighting Florida traffic citations on a regular basis will readily see. Florida Ticket Firm’s traffic attorneys handle traffic citations every day, and having that kind of tested experience in the traffic court trenches on your side, is invaluable and comforting, particularly for someone who has never received a traffic citation before or who feels intimidated by law enforcement, judges or court.

While no traffic attorney or traffic ticket law firm can permissibly guarantee the ultimate outcome of any traffic case in advance, Florida Ticket Firm and its experienced and knowledgeable traffic citation defense attorneys have a fairly good idea of the probable outcome of the vast majority of traffic cases. That being the case, in certain circumstances, Florida Ticket Firm offers the Florida Ticket Firm Promise: No Points. No School. No Court. Or your money back. As long as you have not had a traffic ticket in the last two (2) years, Florida Ticket Firm is able to make this money-back promise for all non-criminal traffic violations.

Florida Ticket Firm also offers competitive rates with other local, well-known traffic citation defense law firms. Beginning at $49, Florida Ticket Firm will handle non-moving, non-criminal traffic violations. Most speeding tickets start at $69. Depending on your individual circumstances, Florida Ticket Firm will handle certain criminal charges beginning at $199. All of these rates do not include any court costs, fines, restitution or other penalties (if any), but hiring Florida Ticket Firm to handle your Florida Uniform Traffic Citation or to defend you from criminal charges improves your chances for a successful outcome under the circumstances. For serious personal injury matters, Florida Ticket Firm works on a contingent fee basis, and you owe nothing for fees or costs unless there is a recovery.

When it comes to traffic tickets and criminal defense, Florida Ticket Firm currently serves Broward County, Miami-Dade County, Palm Beach County, Martin County and St. Lucie County. Florida Ticket Firm handles personal injury matters throughout the entire State of Florida. Florida Ticket Firm’s office is conveniently located between I-95 and the Florida Turnpike at 2900 Griffin Road, Suite 2, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33312. Florida Ticket Firm’s office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, but Florida Ticket Firm representatives can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 844.FLA.FIRM or visiting www.FloridaTicketFirm.com. In most cases, you can retain Florida Ticket Firm to represent you with a simple phone call or email. Florida Ticket Firm wants to be your trusted traffic ticket, criminal defense and personal injury law firm. Call Florida Ticket Firm today at 844.FLA.FIRM for a FREE CONSULTATION and further details as to how Florida Ticket Firm can help you.



Florida Ticket Firm

We are Traffic Ticket and Speeding Ticket Attorneys: Fees from $49. DUIs & Warrants, too. *See Website | http://floridaticketfirm.com/