Massive Fodl NFT Giveaway

The biggest recorded NFT giveaway in history starts on February 14th

9 min readFeb 7, 2022

This is going to be a BIG update, so hold tight!

As committed FODLers who have been with us since the start will know, we are barely out of beta. So it’s still taking some time to get the word out about what we’re doing here. But FODL boatlifters will already know we’re stepping things up.

That’s right. To get more eyes on FODL, we decided to launch the biggest NFT giveaway in recorded history. Perhaps that will turn some heads to notice the great work we are doing to provide a fully decentralized and transparent way to do leveraged margin trading.

But none of this would make sense unless this giveaway incentivized and reinforced the community activity we want to see. Since the aim is for the community to take full control of Fodl, it’s vital that we reward those people who are making a difference to the FODL community.

So, whether you are staking FODL, closing trades on the platform, raising awareness on social media, just joining the discord, or working hard as a Boatlifter on our Discord — our massive NFT giveaway — the biggest in history — is going to make a lot of sense to you.

Now for the ultimate reveal of the prized NFTs we’re giving away, and why we’re able to make the bold statement that this is the biggest one ever!

BAKC NFT Giveaways

We will be running a 2.5 month giveaway campaign to hand out 24 BAKC (Bored Ape Kennel Club) NFTs. Each of these BAKC NFTs currently has a floor price of 9 ETH (~$28K). Starting on February 14th, we will give away 1 BAKC NFT every 3 calendar days to a randomly selected winner from the ticket pool. The full gallery of BAKC NFTs being given away can be seen here.

Bored Ape NFT Giveaway

And to bring the biggest NFT giveaway the crescendo it deserves, the 0xb1 team has set aside a Bored Ape NFT to be won once the competition ends. The ape in question has a current floor of 100 ETH (~$309K). The winning ticket will be drawn on April 30th.

How can I enter the FODL Bored Ape NFT Giveaway Campaign?

There are 5 ways to enter the FODL Bored Ape NFT giveaway. One of the most straightforward is to stake at least 1,000 FODL — the more you stake, the higher your likelihood of success. But you can increase your chances by trading on the FODL platform, becoming a leading FODL influencer on social media, joining the discord and reaching level 1or qualifying to become a FODL Boatlifter on our Discord too.

Let’s go into more detail on each of these activities.


Our vision is to help grow the DeFi space, and we want you to join us on that journey. We are the first and only fully-decentralized leverage trading platform in crypto. We created this platform to meet the need for highly liquid, low cost, and fully on-chain leverage. Not your keys, not your coins!

FODL is the platform’s governance token and as we scale in users and trading activity, the significant platform revenue generated will be entirely distributed back to FODL holders. Stake our token to grow alongside our project in this journey to spread DeFi to the masses!


We are a leveraged margin trading platform, so we want to acknowledge our traders. That’s what we are all about. Trading increases the tax wallet, and that’s what validates our model. So, if you are opening and closing positions on the FODL platform, we have something special for you too! And for those of you who have already been trading on the FODL platform since the beginning, don’t worry, we are awarding you tickets for all those past trades!

Top FODL Social Media Influencers

We want to reward the best organic, thoughtful, and insightful videos & tweets on social media about FODL. That’s because raising awareness for FODL benefits us all. So that’s why we want to give tickets to the very best FODL community members doing just that! Be a top influencer on Twitter, YouTube or TikTok to earn these extra tickets!


Boatlifters are a unique breed. Despite being military trained, they don’t need a war to make their presence felt. They just believe in the FODL. To gain Boatlifter status, you need to reach Level 10 on Discord engagements. Once you hit that threshold, your interactions would be assessed by the core team to see if they meet the required standards of helpfulness, proactivity — and just generally being a FODL legend. Attempts to game the system will result in a ban from the FODL Discord server.

Read this excellent article by FODL community member Marmaladex to learn more about how to become a Boatlifter.

Joining The Discord

Probably the easiest way to get 20 tickets! Just join the FODL discord and reach level 1. Reaching level 1 only takes about 5 messages, once you’ve reached level 1 you can add your address in the #whitelist channel!

Future incentives & prizes?

The team is also working on creative ways to add more incentives to help build our community and grow the platform even more. One hint we want to provide you all is that there will likely be another category added called “Diamond Hands”. I’m sure you can guess what that means and how you can put yourself in position now to earn some of those nice rewards!

And just to tease all of you with what’s to come, the Ape will not be the last prize we will give away. There will be many more exciting NFT giveaways so stay tuned!

Transparency and community involvement in making decisions

With a focus on transparency, we have established various working groups on the FODL Discord so the rest of the community can see as many decisions as possible being made in real time. This real time insight into our approaches and strategies to raise awareness of FODL will also be available for all the new FODL community members we expect to welcome in the days and weeks ahead.

New dashboard coming

With all the excitement coming, some people might be confused. So, we need to make sure people new to FODL (or even crypto trading in general) can understand what’s going on quickly and easily. Some may be new to DeFi so we will ensure that our educational materials, community links, and other resources a beginner would need are easily accessible. The user experience is paramount, so expect some of the following changes in the next few days.

To help people feel orientated, we will provide the following information.

  • There will be a dashboard on the FODL website that will allow you to track your current total accumulated tickets by category and see how many tickets are in the total pool
  • There will be a countdown to the next NFT being given away, along with a MEGA countdown for the Bored Ape NFT to be given away at the end of the competition on April 30th
  • We will list all winners along with their wallet address
  • We will list all ticket holders and their accumulated tickets, so you always know where you stand!
  • Special reveals such as the M3 Serum and media events will be announced on the landing page when they are confirmed
  • Info will be provided on how to stake FODL as well as how to trade on the FODL platform

Julie Pacino NFT Competition

Ok, so that didn’t go quite like we expected! But we have learned from our experience. So, to change tactics, we want to put a different spin on our Julie Pacino NFT competition.

Now we will be running this competition in parallel with our BAKC and Bored Ape giveaway.

When the first 200 positions that fulfill the tier requirements for the Julie Pacino NFT competition are closed in profit, we will close the competition and issue the NFTs to the winners.

So those who get to trading early will get tickets for the BAYC competition AND Julie Pacino NFTs — doubling up on awards.

Start Earning Tickets Now!

Even though the first prize for this giveaway isn’t drawn till February 14th, you now know the requirements to get tickets. So there’s no time like the present to get involved!

Join the FODL Discord server now to get a head start on the rest!

NFT Prize Drawing Dates

  • 2/14: BAKC NFT #1795
  • 2/17: BAKC NFT #219
  • 2/20: BAKC NFT #1066
  • 2/23: BAKC NFT #7364
  • 2/27: BAKC NFT #2902
  • 3/2: BAKC NFT #9449
  • 3/5: BAKC NFT #4791
  • 3/8: BAKC NFT #9509
  • 3/11: BAKC NFT #7803
  • 3/14: BAKC NFT #8952
  • 3/17: BAKC NFT #6613
  • 3/20: BAKC NFT #9077
  • 3/23: BAKC NFT #8398
  • 3/26: BAKC NFT #3101
  • 3/29: BAKC NFT #467
  • 4/1: BAKC NFT #8232
  • 4/4: BAKC NFT #8378
  • 4/7: BAKC NFT #2176
  • 4/10: BAKC NFT #3605
  • 4/13: BAKC NFT #6200
  • 4/16: BAKC NFT #5914
  • 4/19: BAKC NFT #2518
  • 4/22: BAKC NFT #8699
  • 4/25: BAKC NFT #8389
  • 4/30: Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT #????

Detailed Eligibility Criteria

Please see below for detailed eligibility criteria.


  • xFODL
  • xFODL Supplied (NOT BORROWED) in Rari Pool 127
  • 1 Ticket for every 1,000 FODL
  • LP Tokens. Double the FODL side to account for token pair (i.e., ETH, USDC or MATIC)
  • Tickets are on a daily snapshot at a given time.
  • Tickets are not additive over the course of time. It’s only a momentary snapshot. (Holding 1k over 10 calendar days = 1 ticket; not 10k on day 10)
  • Minimum holding period = 24 hours before being taken into account


  • Only Closed Trades with a minimum of $5,000 Principal Investment qualify for tickets
  • Each Qualified Closed Trade => 50 tickets
  • Every $1 added to FODL Tax Wallet from a Qualified Closed Trade => 1 ticket
  • Top 5 PnL trader by % profit determined by the last calendar day of each month with at least 10 Qualified Closed Trades => 500 tickets

FODL Social Media Influencer

  • These tickets will be distributed once every week on Mondays, starting on February 21st at 0:00 UTC
  • 100 tickets per person are available for the top promoters for each platform (5 from Twitter, 5 from YouTube, and 1 from TikTok)
  • A previous week’s winner is eligible to win in future weeks only if they create new videos or tweets that earns them another top 5 ranking
  • YouTube: YouTubers posting Fodl content with the top 5 most views each week will each receive 100 tickets. Be sure to use the #FODL hashtag (not $FODL) in the video title AND description — and set the video to public to qualify. Consider using #DeFi and #Crypto too, to increase your reach.
  • TikTok: TikTok users posting Fodl content with the top 5 most views each week will each receive 100 tickets. Be sure to use the #FODL hashtag (not $FODL) in the video title AND description — and set the video to public to qualify. Consider using #DeFi and #Crypto too, to increase your reach.
  • Twitter: The top 5 Twitter users posting Fodl content on Twitter (according to LunarCrush) will each receive 100 tickets. Be sure to use the #FODL or $FODL hashtags to qualify.

But just volume isn’t going to be enough. To prevent gaming of the system, we’ll be checking for quality too. The decision of the core team is final.


  • To gain Boatlifter status, you first need to reach Level 10 on FODL Discord engagements
  • Once you hit that threshold, your interactions would be assessed by the core team to see if they meet the required standards of helpfulness, proactivity — and just generally being a FODL legend. Attempts to game the system will result in a ban from the FODL Discord server.
  • Boatlifters receive a one-time reward of 500 additional tickets
  • This is a one-time only ticket distribution, and does not add up over the course of the giveaway
  • These tickets are revocable if a Boatlifter fails to maintain sufficient engagement with the rest of the community, and this is decided at the core team’s discretion.

