2 min readFeb 12, 2016

What Is Natural Antioxidants

Natural antioxidants can be described as the molecules that get found in food. This substance slows down the damage of the oxidation in the body, that is also known as the fighting agent and contributes in overall wellness and nutrition. Antioxidants can get obtained either by eating well-balanced and healthy food or by taking the antioxidant supplements.

The supplements of natural antioxidant are very helpful in sustaining a healthy lifestyle and hence improves the wellness and health. Numbers of the consumers look for the antioxidant supplements goods that are natural and does not harm their body by causing health issues.

There are numbers of the functions of these supplements that can assist an individual if consumed on a regular or daily basis. It helps in preventing damage of cells in our body. Basically, the body, sometimes undergoes deficiency of vitamins, which reduces the ability of body to recuperate from illness that strike the body.

With the help of the antioxidant supplements, body attain the required physical wellness. A heady selection of the antioxidant supplements helps in proper functioning of the body. Some benefits include helping prevention against many diseases, bringing back libido and normalizing any sort of blood clotting. All these things happen to the body as the harmful oxidation byproducts that get discharged in to body bloodstream known as free radicals get destroyed by these antioxidants.

Hence, the antioxidant are the main components in the food industry and system nowadays, as more goods undergo a very high level of processing and handling before they reach to the customers or consumers. However, customers are concerned that conventional antioxidants used might have the carcinogenic properties.

The natural antioxidant supplements coming from fruits and vegetables have a huge number of the antioxidant nutrients that easily get absorbed by the body and makes them the best source of the supplements of the natural antioxidants. Mainly, vegetables and fruits that have bright color are known to posses most number of the antioxidant nutrients in them.

All types of the berries extremely have the highest amount of the natural antioxidants. These berries are also high in flavonoids content, that help in managing extent of oxidation by annihilating the free radical and destroying their chain. Some other remarkable sourced of the natural antioxidant are oranges, grapefruits and coffee. To neutralize the free radical, it needed proves helpful for the body to take the natural antioxidants in any form its supplements, mainly the Vitamins E, C and A and antioxidant vitamins. Other than these two other basic forms of the natural antioxidants are Coenzyme Q10, Glutathione and Lipoic acid.