5 Advantages of Using Local Suppliers for Restaurants

2 min readMar 6, 2023


Suppliers of restaurant food are either local farmers or wholesalers that distribute their products straight to eateries. A restaurant’s capacity to purchase goods at decreased prices to boost its profit margins is crucial for a supplier’s ability to perform its job. Restaurants should think about price, delivery time, required minimum orders, and product quality when picking a local restaurant food distributor.

Benefits of choosing Local Suppliers for Restaurants

Restaurants depend on their suppliers to supply them with the ingredients they need to make their dishes. There are various benefits to selecting local suppliers over larger ones. Here are five advantages of buying products for your restaurant from regional producers.

  1. Fresher Materials: Working with local vendors has many benefits, including the fact that their ingredients are usually fresher. The best food service rewards or rebates may be often supplied by nearby local vendors. They may also frequently deliver fresh supplies to increase the aesthetic of the food.
  2. Developing local community: Dealing with local vendors allows you to support the neighbourhood as well as nearby businesses. Restaurants promote local employment and the local economy by making purchases from regional vendors. The neighbourhood may benefit from this, and the restaurant’s connections with nearby businesses may improve.
  3. Lessened Environmental Impact: Local ingredient sourcing can lessen the supply chain’s negative environmental effects on restaurants. Local restaurant food distributors use less fuel and emit fewer emissions because they don’t have to ship goods over great distances. This can lessen the restaurant’s carbon impact, making it a more sustainable option for diners who care about the environment.
  4. Reduce cost: It can be cheaper to buy locally. Food that travels a short distance incurs significantly lower transportation costs. Food waste and related costs are reduced when it travels shorter distances since there is less chance that it may spoil or be destroyed.


Restaurants can enhance operations, lower expenses, and have a good effect on the neighbourhood by choosing to deal with local suppliers. Local vendors offer the best food service rewards or rebates and support both the local and global economies. By promoting local businesses, they encourage small enterprises, boost employment rates, and improve neighbourhood communities.

Must Read: The Role of Food Suppliers in the Success of a Restaurant Business




Foodservice Restaurant Partners Group (FRPG) is a National Group Purchasing Organization & Marketing Company that serves restaurants. Visit: https://frpg1.com/