Statement of Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice in Canada

4 min readSep 28, 2023


Condemn the terrorist attacks against the Cuban Embassy in the U.S.

September 26, 2023

Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice strongly and unequivocally condemns the latest attack on the Cuban Embassy in Washington, DC, United States. According to the statement by Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), “During the night of September 24, 2023, a terrorist attack occurred against the premises of the Cuban Embassy in the United States, when an individual threw two Molotov cocktails from the sidewalk over the perimeter fence of the facility, which hit the front wall of that diplomatic mission. There were no injuries to the personnel who were present at that headquarters.”

This is not the first time, but the second time in the last three years, that the Cuban embassy in Washington, DC, has been the target of a terrorist attack. In 2020, there was another terrorist attack on the Cuban Embassy in the U.S. According to the statement by Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), “After three years, the perpetrator still awaits trial, and the United States government has refused to classify the incident as a terrorist act.”

The latest terrorist attack on the Cuban embassy in the U.S. is the continuation of over 60 years of various U.S. administrations inciting terrorism, inside and outside of Cuba, against the Cuban people and the Cuban government. The U.S. ruling class has never accepted and never respected that the Cuban people have democratically and continuously elected their government and the socialist state as their project for living with humanity and equality. Hence, the Cuban people not only have suffered from over 60 years of criminal and inhuman Blockade (Embargo). They have also been under constant negative and ugly campaigns and attacks such as military and chemical warfare, sabotage, provocations, all kinds of interference, and the ongoing occupation of part of Cuba in Guantanamo with a U.S. military base.

The U.S. is desperately and deceitfully trying to turn the tide against Cuba. The latest terrorist attack on September 24 is a mindless and reckless attempt to bounce back from dozens of political defeats the U.S. has suffered against Cuba in the past few years. Just eleven months ago, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for the 30th year against the U.S. blockade (Embargo) on Cuba. More than ever for the U.S. and the current administration of President Joseph Biden, it is difficult for them to justify the continuation of hatred and the Blockade (Embargo) on the Cuban people, which also has inflicted distress upon the people of the U.S., Cuban Americans, U.S. farmers, and U.S. small and big businesses. U.S. government policy toward Cuba has never been so discredited as it is today.

The terrorist attack the world saw on September 24 was an act of weakness and a sign of the decline of the U.S. empire. Frankly, this violent terrorist attack scares nobody, neither Cubans nor Cuban solidarity activists, or does any harm to Cuba’s great popularity in the U.S. and worldwide. The desperate terrorist incident tells us we are becoming more robust, impactful, and visible. Here we have it. The next step for all of us in the Cuba solidarity movement should be to put more pressure on the U.S. government and increase our Cuba solidarity campaigns so the truth about Cuba can defeat all lies and distortions of the U.S. government.

Yet, the U.S. government dares to list Cuba as the state sponsors of terrorism (SSOT). There is nothing more ironic and not a more inverted truth than this. While U.S.-sponsored terrorism has been the cause of the killing of millions of people since 2001 by way of wars, occupations, sanctions, and blockades, Cuba-sponsored humanism and internationalism have lifted millions worldwide out of misery and deprivation. While since 2001, the U.S. has delivered death, poverty and bloodshed to the world, Cuba has delivered and provided health care, education, technology, and literacy to dozens of nations worldwide.

The overwhelmingly successful visit of Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel to New York City last week for the opening of the United Nations General Assembly and President Diaz-Canel’s warm welcoming to New York by the U.S. people and activists, as well as community and world leaders, and also the great success of hosting G77+China in Havana, Cuba, two weeks ago, has shown undoubtedly that Cuba enjoys significant respect, love, solidarity and prestige in the United States and around the world.

We join the worldwide condemnation of this outrageous terrorist attack against the Cuban Embassy. We demand the U.S. government guarantee the safety and security of the Cuban embassy and diplomatic headquarters. We demand the U.S. government immediately investigate this breach of international law and terrorist attack and put the perpetrators behind bars.

Let Cuba Live!
Remove Cuba from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism (SSOT list)!
Lift the Blockade of Cuba!

Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice in Canada




Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice is a revolutionary socialist organization of volunteer activists in Canada. A better & socialist world is possible 🚩