How to Be Successful When Playing FUNky Games on the Arcade?

4 min readSep 13, 2022


The XFUN Arcade has been live for quite some time now, and the four branded games featuring the superhero frog FUNky are among the most popular. If you have already tried them, you know how compelling they are, and once you start playing them, you can’t stop.

The four FUNky-themed games are Sticky FUNky, Jumpy FUNky, Chop Chop FUNky, and FUNky’s Run. They all have different goals, and you will need a bespoke approach if you want to be successful. Once you learn how to be great at them, you can bet some XFUN and earn from your skills.

It’s best playing on your computer

The XFUN Arcade is designed for playing on a desktop computer. The team is developing a mobile version which will be available soon. Playing on a desktop computer helps you achieve a better score, though. Many generations grew up playing games using the PC keyboard, so playing this way is natural.

Desktop computers also have bigger screens making players feel more into the game. It’s easier to control the gameplay when you can see the obstacles and what you need to beware of.

Always maximize the screen

When you open the platform and choose a game, you’ll get an interface that allows more options aside from playing the game. Aside from the game window, you have the game activities available, reviews, and the leaderboard.

You’ll want to maximize the gaming window. This way, you can easily see what’s happening during the game. For example, playing Chop Chop Funky means quick reflexes and excellent vision. You’ll lose if you don’t see the side the tree branches face. A bigger screen means better vision and more success while playing.

Play for free until you’re good enough to bet

Although you’ll connect your XFUN Wallet during the registration process on the platform, you don’t have to bet immediately. Take your time to play the games, practice your skills, and invite your friends to join along.

That being said, the best part of Web3 iGaming is earning from your time spent online. All games, including the ones featuring FUNky, are available for real money wagers. However, to win against other players, you must be skilled and experienced. Play a while for free, and once you feel good enough to challenge others, do it by going to war or challenging particular users to a duel.

Choose the right stake

You can bet the regular amount or high stakes when going to war. If you choose the latter one, you’ll naturally win more. When challenging someone in a duel, you have four betting options — 100, 500, 1000, and 2500 XFUN. If you bet more money and win, you’ll also earn more.

Winning means earning 90% of your bet. So, if you bet 100 XFUN, you’ll only get 190, but if you bet 2500, you’re getting 4750 XFUN back. Notice the difference between the numbers. You’re earning a nice bag of XFUN tokens in just a few victorious games.

Read the instructions before playing

All games have their tricks about how to earn points. Sometimes, just one point may decide whether you’ll win or lose. Click the question mark or the book for instructions before starting the game, and see how to get more points while playing.

Use the Armoury

To optimize your winning strategy and put all the odds on your side, you should use Armoury. The Armoury is kind of a legal cheat shop located on the left side of the screen. In it, you can buy various weapons and taunts and unlock useful features for various games.

For example, get yourself a shield when playing Chop Chop Funky, and the branches won’t hurt as you hit them for the first time. However, mind that the shield is not eternal and won’t be useful the second time you encounter an obstacle.


You need to use all available tips and tricks to earn real money and become successful on the XFUN Arcade. All the small things that might feel insignificant can make the difference between winning and losing.

Play on a desktop computer and use the big screen option, practice for free to refine your skills, and only start playing for real money (XFUN tokens!) and gradually increase your stakes. Read the instructions, and use the Armoury where possible. That’s how you’ll be successful and earn by playing FUNky games.

And most importantly, have FUN all the way!

About FUNToken

With over 300,000 users and counting, FUNToken is the leading iGaming token globally. Based on the Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, it was created as a fast, transparent, and truly fair transactional solution for iGaming ecosystems and players.

Supported by a robust development team and helmed by CEO Adriaan Brink, FUNToken’s objective is simple: harnessing the power of blockchain tech to create trustless ecosystems that users can rely on and operators can implement seamlessly.

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