Heather Heyer’s mother heals through storytelling of daughter killed during Nazi protest in Charlottesville

Storytelling. How do you show it’s power?

Frank Strona
1 min readAug 17, 2017

This is the power of storytelling. When it hurts the most, is when the story is the most important to share.

Heather Heyer’s Mom speaks about her daughter at the memorial service. Getting huge coverage in the press Washginton Post and the New York Times this remarkable women is reminding us that we each need to take a stand and not stand silent.

The quote that has captured the attention and hearts of the world;

“They tried to kill my child to shut her up…”

Note: A GoFundMe campaign created to support Ms. Heyer’s family had surpassed $200,000 as of Sunday evening.

Video curtesy of Facebook Videos code, posted by former SF mayor & 49th Lt. Gov. of California, Gavin Newsom

Originally published at MentorSF.com.



Frank Strona

Merging my passions for food, technology, training & digital media. The views expressed are my own and do not represent views on behalf of the CDC.