Open Letter — Re-Instate 2015 Sex Ed Curriculum

Fae Johnstone
2 min readJul 30, 2018


Dear Premier Ford and Minister Thompson,

We, the undersigned, representing a broad cross-section of organizations that serve young people in our communities, are writing to express our deep shock and dismay regarding the decision of the Government of Ontario to revoke the 2015 update to Ontario’s Health and Physical Education curriculum.

The 2015 update to Ontario’s Health and Physical Education curriculum ensured children and youth in Ontario received comprehensive, evidence-based, modern and inclusive education on health and wellness.

Furthermore, the updated curriculum was reviewed by over 4000 parents from communities across Ontario, 2,400 educators and other stakeholders, and 700 students. 140 organizations, including Children’s Aid Societies, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association, the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition and the Institute for Catholic Education were all consulted in the 2015 update. This 2015 curriculum is the cumulation of feedback and review from thousands of parents, young people and experts.

Revoking the 2015 update means our children and youth will lack key education on consent, online safety, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and sexual health. This will put Ontario’s children and youth at higher risk of sexual violence, sexually transmitted infections, exploitation, bullying and abuse. As organizations that work with young people, we are concerned about the impact that out-dated sex education will have on the health and wellbeing of young people in our community.

We stand behind the 2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum as an evidence-based curriculum, inclusive of diverse identities and families, that meets the needs of Ontario’s children and youth in a modern and ever-changing world. We firmly believe that revoking this curriculum puts the health and well-being of Ontario’s children and youth at risk.

We are calling upon you, our elected officials, to stand true to the principles of evidence-based education, health, wellness and inclusion, and reinstate the 2015 update to the Health and Physical Education Curriculum. Ontario’s children and youth deserve comprehensive sex education. Do them justice.

The undersigned,

Canadian Federation of Students — Ontario

Capital Pride Youth Committee

Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW)

International Youth Alliance for Family Planning

Youth In Care Canada

Ontario Public Interest Research Group — Toronto

The Ten Oaks Project

Kind Space

MATCH International Women’s Fund

Canadian Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity

Growth Myndset

A Way Home Canada

Centretown Community Health Centre

Planned Parenthood Ottawa

Uproar Arts Festival

University of Ottawa NDP

Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association

CUPE Ontario

Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights

LGBT Youth Line

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development

Capital Region Advocates for Transgender Youth

SHORE Centre

Island Sexual Health Society

CUSA Gender and Sexuality Resource Centre

Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health



Fae Johnstone

Nonbinary queer young person with a passion for anti-oppression, social policy, LGBTQ youth and mental health.