Fáfnir — Destroyer of Greed

2 min readSep 28, 2022


Fáfnir is a legendary 2 thousand year old dragon from the Norse universe with a lifelong mission to hunt and steal rare treasures/possessions from all of mankind, his favourite of all treasures being gold. They say Fáfnir has mountains of gold alone hidden beneath the depths of the earth that he constantly guards and protects from anyone who dares to enter his domain. To outsiders, Fáfnir might seem like a villain but he is more of an anti-hero because he does not steal treasures for his own selfish desires, he steals them to save man from his own selfishness. Throughout the centuries, Fáfnir has witnessed the evils that wealth and greed have brought upon mankind and believes that Greed has poisoned men’s souls; that it has barricaded the world with hate and a thirst for power that only ever leads man to descend into a world of misery and bloodshed. Although he has seen the chaos that greed unleashes the hearts of man far too many times, he admits that he’s never seen such darkened hearts in his lifetime as he’s seen with the new age of crypto investors (degens). The constant search for wealth and abundance has lead the degens astray from humanity by corrupting their souls, leaving them always wanting and thirsting for more regardless of the consequences or risks they must take. Man has truly transformed to the worst version of itself, and it is time for Fáfnir to rise once again to restore humanity back to the degens of crypto.

So you see, by taking away the treasures of man, he is not robbing them but saving them from their eventual doom. He is not taking away their freedoms, he is giving it back to them. He believes it is only when you strip your self of the material world that you will truly start living a meaningful life.

In essence, Fáfnir has created a token to unify all of mankind and to free us from our own selfish desires by stealing from us our most precious treasures that would otherwise destroy us and descend us into chaos.

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