How to Choose A Rowing Machine?

Fahad Hasan
4 min readAug 13, 2022


If you want to start a full-body workout, rowing could be a productive way for you. The main reason for rowing is to reinforce your core muscle, which draws the rower’s arms to the body and retracts the scapula.

However, a rowing machine with a sliding seat and oars is known as a rowing machine; it is mainly utilized for exercising the muscles.

Types of Rowing Machine

Rowing machines come in various types; in this manner, it would be easier for you to invest in the best rowing machine before you invest in a machine. The rowing machine comes in four types; here are the details.

Flywheel or Air resistance rowing machines

Regarding the rowing machine, the air/flywheel resistance is the most famous among clients. This is because this machine can give smooth action; the resistance level is also adjustable. However, the main drawback of this machine is that it makes noise when in use.

Hydraulic Rowing Machine

You can choose a hydraulic rowing machine if you have a space issue. Also, this machine is affordable, so assuming you are looking for an economical indoor rower, this could be the most innovative option.

This machine is calmer compared to other rower machines. However, several clients find that the advancement of the handles is uncomfortable. However, the item can be fixed at home, and you can adhere to the manual instructions to settle it.

Water Rowers

Another popular rower machine is the water rower, which features a round drum with water. It gives an incredible resistance level, and you can partake in the whooshing sound of water during a workout.

Electromagnetic Rowing Machines

The magnetic rowing machine is famous in private homes or rec centers. It offers the development of magnets. This machine is peaceful when in use. You can grab this off if you have small space since this machine is usually smaller. However, the con of magnetic rowing machines; is that they aren’t durable like other rowing machines.

Indeed, each exercise machine has its advantages and disadvantages, and so do these rower machines. However, whichever one you choose, a rowing machine will assist you with improving your health amazingly.

How to Choose A Rowing Machine — Things to Consider

You shouldn’t worry about any insight to start rowing works out, yet what could it be shrewd for you to consider while purchasing a rowing machine? To begin with, how about we examine the key features you ought to consider?

Comfortable Seat

You are going to sit on the machine for a drawn-out timeframe. That’s the reason for considering a gadget with a comfortable seat. Assuming you constantly need to adjust the seat, it distracts you from the workout. That’s why you choose a rowing machine where you can sit comfortably.

Resistance Level

A rowing machine offers various types of resistance levels as well. However, air or water resistance could be the ideal option for your perfect occasion, a seamless workout as a general rule. On the off chance that the machine has adjustable resistance, you will get smooth performance.

Noise Level

Assuming you will utilize your rower machine in an open space, then considering the noise level is essential. Before purchasing a rower machine, look at the noise it makes. The noise can also distract you; in this way, choosing a less uproarious gadget would be ideal.

Built-in Screen Positioning

Get a rower machine with a built-in display to stream practice while riding on the gadget. Also, guarantee the screen is set up at your eye level with the goal that you can comfortably watch recordings, and it doesn’t hurt your neck too.

Adjustable foot Straps

Your feet should be settled on the machine when you ride on it; in this manner, make sure the rower straps are adjustable. And individuals who have larger or smaller feet than average ought to consider this feature.

Dashboard Stats

Usually, rower machines have an ergometer to measure the energy level. In contrast, two or three gadgets just show the basic stats. A basic dashboard would be easy to understand if you are a fledgling. In any case, get a machine with a more top-to-bottom dashboard tracking feature to cultivate your rowing goals speedier.

Weight Capacity

Who is going to utilize the machine? Clearly, you can choose a lightweight one yet to use it, pick serious strength areas for a. Usual rowing machines have a 100 kg capacity.

Storage Option

Usually, rower machines take up more prominent space on the floor, yet these are easier to store. That’s because you can crease the appliance when you are not using it. This exercise machine can be collapsed, or potentially you can keep it in a vertical position.

Benefits of Using a Rowing Machine

Might you want to reinforce and tone up your muscles? Then bring a rower machine; it offers more benefits.

1. According to the American Fitness Professional Association, the rowing store includes 65–75% leg work and 25–35% chest area work. Therefore you will get a full-body workout from this.

2. Rowing is an incredible workout for individuals with low vision or who are blind.

3. You can consume fat without adding a lot of strain to your joints.

4. Rowing reinforces our cardiovascular framework, at the same time, is excellent for the lungs.

5. The combination of cardio and strength assists work with powering in addition to endurance.

Bottom Line

For developing aerobic health, rowing is potential the best workout. Also, individuals who want to additionally cultivate their cardiovascular framework can go with rowing works out. In any case, when choosing a rowing machine, you ought to consider these features to make your investment worth it.



Fahad Hasan

I’m Fahad Hasan an author of & I’m working in the fitness industry for the last 6 years.