Fairy Gates

6 min readApr 27, 2023


Million years ago, the borders of the Fairy World were open for everyone. Portals appeared everywhere, often in the most unexpected and unsuitable for transportation places. Fairies welcomed itinerants and merchants, adventurers and explorers. There were more and more travelers and settlers. Along with this, the number of incidents grew, more often funny, but sometimes quite unpleasant.

One day, the portal to the fairy lands opened right over the fitting rooms of the Magic Shopping Center. Magic cabins are known for the fact that visitors could try on absolutely unpredictable looks. Artificial intelligence chose for fitting the most vivid images in the mind of the creature located in the room. The venerable man was standing in the middle of a Shopping Center wearing a costume of Playboy bunny, in a leather bodysuit and a hoop with pink ears. The respected gentleman was forced to wait for help and decent clothes, shielding the most precious parts of his body with his palms shamefacedly. Sometime later, the opposite situation happened. Two students ended up in the Public Baths, which were visited by the Veelas — beautiful creatures who captivate men. Squealing beauties attacked the youths with bath towels and chased them through the streets accompanied by approving hooting of pixies. Sometimes travelers were transferred to the animated crowd at fairs, causing a dog pile. People fell into the swamps of the Routine Bogs, into anti-gravity fields, into the very thicket of the Enchanted Forest. The newcomers were disoriented, frightened of new places and unusual creatures, lost in the labyrinths of magical paths.

But the worst things were the visits of the lower races. The trolls used foul language, made quarrels and spread dirty gossip. They sucked the energy out of the beings they were arguing with and spread the negative miasma. Only the wisest Heroes withstood the trolls’ provocations by casting the Ignoreus spell. Huge, but empty-headed orcs envied the more intelligent and talented inhabitants of the Fairy World. They strove to hit passers-by with their shoulders, to push or kick creatures short of strength or size. These malevolent hulks swept the legs under the hurrying attendants of the Academy of Magic and laughed happily when the person stretched out on the pavement, and his books scattered around. Most often, orcs acted in a group. A few of the big guys held the student while their comrade searched the backpack and pockets, took away money, food and magical artifacts. They filmed their dirty tricks and watched the videos in anticipation of the next victim. Talentless and envious orcs broke wonderful benches and arbors, painted mustaches on portraits and beat off statues’ noses, left disgusting scrawls on walls and fences. The werewolves drew adventurers into dangerous scams, enslaved and robbed hard-working but trustful Heroes.

The fairies spent a lot of time and energy searching for missing guests, resolving disputes, troubleshooting and repairing. Beatrice and Sylvia, the most strenuous supporters of order and cleanliness, decided that this case could not continue any longer. The fairies gathered a Grand Council, which was also attended by Wizards, Patrons, Merchants, Wise Men and the most respected Heroes. The venerable inhabitants of the Magic World decided to create the Fairy Gates, which will become the main entrance to the magical grounds.

All the inhabitants took part in the construction. Dwarves mined ore from the wisdom cliffs. The Dragon tempered steel and burned stones. After such treatment the materials took on magical properties. While passing along constructions made of the metals processed by the Dragon, honest Heroes become stronger, and sneaky enemies weaken. Centaurs forged gates that block dark magic. The wings are opened only for pure-hearted persons and also activate extra protection against dark thoughts. Unicorns brought magical building solutions from the Сelestial Islands, which not only fasten stones, but also inspire guests for creative activities. Thaya and the wood elves provided the builders with timber. Gloria has fortified the Gate with vines of magical flowers that provide additional protection from dark magic and bestow inspiration upon friendly Heroes. Yumi installed sensors that detected the incoming person’s intentions and activated a siren if there was an evil intruder at the gate. Betty and the Wise Men have developed systems to repel attacks of goblin viruses and insects. Stella, Kikki, Rosa and Bossy decorated the Gate with 3D paintings and living sculptures. At the sight of these masterpieces, hidden talents and a sense of beauty were awakened in the itinerants arriving to the Fairy World. Motti and Santabella cast spells on the Gate to enhance the Heroes’ intellect, and Lamy’s spells gave the guests cheerfulness and energy. Netany could not do without jokes even in such a serious matter. When Yumi’s sensors were triggered and a signal on dark creatures’ invasion was received, streams of the slimy Dragon’s saliva fell on the enemies from the buckets installed along the upper perimeter of the Gate. Then the sticky intruders were showered with phoenix feathers and fluff from the hobbits’ feet. Dazed “chickens” fled away squealing. When a new Hero crossed the Gate, he became more self-confident, putting off fears and anxieties, thanks to the elixir of Euphoria flowers nectar sprayed in the air.

Now portals from other worlds open at the Fairy Gates, which has become the shield of the Fairy World and a place for meeting new friends. The issue with randomly opening portals has been resolved. The fairies and their assistants help the newcomers settle in, introduce them to the new world, give advice and present gifts. Friendly Well and So meet the Heroes at the threshold, with pleasure, and even too zealously, answer all questions. The heroes are given a pile of reference materials: comprehensive instructions on the structure of the Kingdom, a set of rules and laws, a detailed map of the magical world, a catalog of registered fantastic creatures and the instructions on dealing with them, a directory with the contacts of the main Wizards, a list of vacancies and crafts. Travelers are left no chance to get lost in an unknown world. A sign with a list of all settlements has been installed on the Main Square, and holographic signs with the names and descriptions of locations shine on each building and intersection. So that newcomers can calmly settle in, not thinking of being left without a livelihood in the first days of visiting the Kingdom, the Fairies give newcomers a small purse of Fairy Dust.

No more falls into fountains, no more lost guests, no more nasty lower creatures. Fairy Gates help travelers feel at home already at the doorstep of the Fairy World. The wise decision of the Fairies and the Council members made life easier for everyone — both for the magical world inhabitants and for guests. Only the trolls and the orcs remained behind the fence, looking enviously at the shining domes of the palaces, the tops of the thousand-year-old pines and the good friends of the Fairies, whom the citizens of the fantasy grounds were waiting for and met with open arms.

>> Fairyland

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