Faith Tribe
8 min readDec 6, 2021


On 2nd of December 2021, Blockchain Infinity had a live AMA session with Simon Abbound (Digital Assets and NFT Strategy of Faith Tribe) and Tarek Hourie (Community Development of Faith Tribe).

Segment 1: Introduction

Joshua: Hello @SimonAbb @RealTH5 welcome to our community. Before we go to the first segment, please introduce yourselves first.

Tarek: Hello everyone! I am Tarek, I am in charge of the marketing and community development of Faith Tribe. I will be happy to present you our idea, and answer all of your questions today.

Simon: Hey guys! I’m Simon Abboud, happy to meet you all. I’m Head of Digital Assets at Faith Tribe.

Joshua: Thank you for wonderful introduction. Let’s proceed to the first segment. Are you ready?

Tarek: Yes, let’s do it!

Joshua: Alright! Here comes the first question…

Question #1:

Please give us an introduction about Faith Tribe.

Tarek: We are building the largest open-source platform for the creation, design, minting, customization and distribution of digital and physical fashion items. Faith Tribe’s mission is to empower, reward & unlock new opportunities for every creative voice.

The project is launched by famous fashion brand Faith Connexion and is built with the latest blockchain, Web3 and NFT Technologies. In addition, we are launching a FAITH coin that will stand as a unified currency for the community and various components of the ecosystem.

Joshua: Thank you for explaining to us! Let’s move to the next question.

Question #2:

What is Faith Tribe trying to accomplish in the NFT Ecosystem?

Simon: The Faith Tribe platform enables the sale of digital and physical product NFTs in two different ways. You would find community-led seasonal drops by internal designers on one side, and in parallel, the platform permits all participants to create mint and distribute design assets.

In addition, these NFTs contain all of the necessary past metadata of the item. From contributor and designer information to even related sketches. Also, the creator can add pertaining exclusive ties which could include all sorts of private events, fashion shows and countless more perks.

Also, following the open common data and transaction standard, the design protocol enables integration with other DeFi projects and other platforms.

Joshua: Very informative! And here’s the last question for Segment 1.

Question #3:

What are the upcoming plans of Faith Tribe for the next coming months/years?

Simon: Our first phase is Q4 2021, in which our main goal is to build awareness through the Faith tribe launch and of course, community outreach (which includes the launch at Art Basel and the token main net).

Part 2 is Q1 2022, which includes the product launch with platform development and DAO activity.

Part 3 for now is from 2022 to 2023. Its more about integration and scaling with designer studio development, third party marketplace integration, and liquidity pool launch for crowdfunding.

In the meantime, Faith Tribe will be included in most major fashion events happening during the same period.

Joshua: Awesome, thank you for giving such great answers for introduction questions. Let’s go to 2nd segment which is the Twitter Questions!

Segment 2: Questions from the Twitter

Question #1: @rentimoon

Faith Tribe is timely in the way it incorporates art, music, and fashion as sources of inspiration. What does this mean for your platform’s vision? Is sustainability or recycling a priority for you guys, or does the craft come first?

Tarek: Our vision is to bring together a global pool of creative talents in an incentive aligned way. We are merging the physical and digital spaces of fashion, art and culture. Everyone is welcome to our community and will reap the benefits of his talent thanks to our tokens.

We are aware fashion needs to shift into a greener model as it is nowadays still one of the most polluting industries. Faith Tribe doesn’t directly address this issue, but definitely it is helping to go in a positive direction by giving a new life to older looks and having a clear focus on digital fashion.

Joshua: Thanks for that explanation. Here’s the second question.

Question #2: @LeAaronJamess

It appears that Faith Tribe just got started around 7–8 days ago. Where did the concept for Faith Tribe originate? What problem is it attempting to solve?

Tarek: Faith Tribe is indeed a new concept and yet we have solid foundations as we are the native platform of a 21 years old famous fashion brand, Faith Connexion.
The fashion brand counts among its clients a lot of influential celebrities.

The concept of Faith Tribe recreates the inclusive and collaborative culture that our native brand already implemented since its existence. We also want to solve structural bottlenecks for independent creators by enabling them to benefit of a cutting-edge platform that allows the digital fashion content creation, distribution and physical production of clothes.

Every participant will feel encouraged and rewarded, thanks to our NFTs marketplace and tokens.

Joshua: Thank you team, and our third question from Twitter.

Question #3: @paolo_domingo1M

When it comes to platforms like NewOrder, safety is a primary concern. Are there any safeguards in place to protect all of your customers’ information? The Faith Tribe platform has a smart contract audit, right?

Tarek: Great question! Indeed, data protection was a massive concern when building this project as we wanted to guarantee the security of our customers information. I can confirm all necessary safeguards have been implemented, and our smart contract audit is provided by Certik!

Joshua: Great answer let’s now proceed to the fourth twitter question.

Question #4: @juswabeks96

What will be used to fund a project aimed at revolutionizing the fashion industry? What are your plans for value-added features that will ensure that creators and members are properly compensated?

Simon: Right now, being supported by Faith Connexion leading up to the IDO, there’s a brand backing the project with its own source of funds; also by paying contributors (dev, marketing, etc) with promise for future tokens.

In addition, through the Etherium and Polygon protocols we are issuing Faith tokens. These tokens are going to be increasingly valuable because you gain access to state of the art design tools.

Furthermore, our partnerships with other companies like DressX and Legitimate permit not only to design tools but also facility distribution by integrating with relevant e-commerce channels (such as other NFT marketplaces), giving a large and wide access for the NFT holder hence increasing their owned value.

The idea is that the creator or designer is in total control of their own compensation, and own relationship with their buyers through NFT.

Segment 3: Live Telegram Quiz

Joshua: Okay guys, let’s move to our Live Telegram Quiz. Make sure that you have done your research about Faith Tribe.

Chat, please pay attention! I’m going to open up the community in 10 seconds after the first question was asked.

So team ask our first quiz question.

Question #1: When was Faith Connexion created?

Joshua: Okay team, who is our first winner?

Correct answer from: @Leonita278

2000 (21 years old).

Tarek: Yes Leonita!

Joshua: Cool! Let’s ask the second question.

Question #2: What is the ticker of our coin?

Correct answer from: @Troybalmeow


Simon: Yes Troy.

Joshua: Wow, congrats! Anyway please ask our third question.


Question #3: On what chains will the coin be available?

Correct answer from: @irfanecruz

Ethereum and Polygon.

Simon: Bravo Irfane.

Joshua: Great! Congratulations to all winners for this Segment.

Tarek: Congratulations!

Segment 4: Live Telegram Questions

Joshua: So team, are you ready with our last segment?

Simon: Always.

Joshua: Okay guys, here’s the exciting part of our session. Let’s move to our Live Telegram Questions.

Joshua: Chat closed! Thank you for your plenty of questions chat, let’s give our guest some time to answer good questions.

Q1 From: @alisacrypto

Do you have any whitepaper? If yes kindly share it us. And currently from where we buy your token?

Simon: Yes the whitepaper is available, link should be pinned in most Telegram, Discord and Twitter accounts. Coin hasn’t launched yet and will be available on Uniswap.

Q2 From: @gpgrp121

Can you mention about security aspects of your project and how important is security for you? What are your plans for doing Audit?

Simon: Our auditors are Certik, they will be handeling security.

Q3 From: @monkharap999000

Your project is very important but it needs a large user traffic to be sustainable over time. What marketing strategies do you have planned to increase the validity of your brand? Are you planning a strategic partnership to level up your project?

Simon: We created partnerships with two big token marketing firms Luna PR and IBC they are handling all marketing and coin publication aspects.

Q4 From: @Aaaaauuu111

Current NFT is a hot topic, but are NFT not just for art. Does your project think that more real world use cases will emerge for NFTs as time goes on, why should we take NFTs seriously?
Simon: Other than the artistic aspect of it all, we value tangible products. Every single NFT look on our platform can be finalized into an actual outfit than you can wear. Increasing utility in the real world.

Q5 From: @rak100rak

This key only appeals to professional users or is your platform also suitable for crypto novices?

Simon: Our goal is to decentralize the fashion production, making it accessible to all categories of people. Even crypto novices. Everybody can play a role in our community!

This is our discord link

This is our telegram group link

This is our twitter page link.

Q6 From: @jaifa5

Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can you tell us, what makes your projec different from projects?

Tarek: We are not promising magic, we are building a solid eco-system where every creative voice can be represented. We are launching our Token this week in collaboration with Brock Pierce, and we benefit of strong partnerships such as DressX or Define Labs. We are building a long-term project, that aims to democratize and disrupt fashion industry by providing a real inclusive solution to solve the bottlenecks talented independant creators are suffering from.

Joshua: I think that’s all. Thank you so much for your answers on our Live Telegram Questions. We’re glad to have an AMA session with you team that was fun.

Do you have any message to our community before we end the AMA session?

Simon: Hope everything was clear and that we answered most of your major questions! Do not hesitate to join all our Discord, Telegram and Twitter groups to stay uptodate with everything we do. Our community is all about the love of art and fashion, we’re just following our passion.

Tarek: Welcome everyone to our community! It’s gonna be a heck of a beautiful ride.

Joshua: Thanks for wonderful message. Good luck and all the best for your project!

Don’t forget to join Faith Tribe Telegram Channel and also follow their Twitter page.

Telegram group:
Twitter account:
Official website:



Faith Tribe

Bringing together the global community of designers, artists, bloggers & brands allowing participants to earn tokens through contributions to the ecosystem