Rotimi-Ibitoye Faith
2 min readSep 9, 2020

A Beautiful Candle.

I created this mountain deep down in my heart. It’s never cold due to the lights in it. In that mountain there are holes,holes where candles are kept in always burning day and night.

My heart never feels empty when I remember my little mountain and it’s candles. Today,I’m adding another candle to that mountain that has its little holes. Each candle never burn out and I don’t expect yours to.

You died with a goodbye but I never knew it was one. That particular Sunday,the beginning of the week you died,I remember you smiling at me and you hugged me. You were so thin and still so beautiful. You always displayed affection to everyone around you,you loved endlessly not minding the fact that sometimes you were always so alone.

You thanked me for taking care of you and I smiled because I didn’t do much. You’re gone now but your candle keeps burning in my heart. You won’t be forgotten,I’ll always remember every of your encouragements and your kind words.

I sincerely hope you’re resting and basking in God’s glory. I hope you’ve reunited with your husband and you’re both happy up there and I hope you’re watching over us too.

Every candle in my heart stands for remembrance. The remembrance of every loved ones who has left earth for a good place. I’m so glad I have such a beautiful candle in my little mountain.